In this video from middiablo we learn how to combine multiple PDF files into one document on a Mac. Navigate to where the PDF files are in the finder and command click on them and then open with prev ...
Ken Appleby demonstrates how to forward a domain with GoDaddy. First, open your web browser and log onto your GoDaddy account. Click the domain manager option on the left hand side of the home page an ...
Want to disguise your URLs so that they appear suspicious? In the style of websites such as Tiny URL that take your original URL and give you a shortened one to post on your blog or twitter feed, Shad ...
This video explains how to create a database text alert using Google Forms. In Google documents click on new, then form. After naming the form and typing in that standard text messaging rates apply, o ...
Follow along as we are given step-by-step instructions on how to convert PDF files into word documents. -You will first want to download, install, and run the free PDF to word document converter. Fol ...
This is a simple and easy way to change your NAT settings to open. First, open the command prompt. Type ipconfig, and then look for an IP next to default gateway. Make sure that you remember it. T ...
Facebook seems to have an endless supply of applications these days. Whether they're cluttering your news feed or you simply don't like them, you might want to block some or all of these applications. ...
This video will show you how to use the program Skype for online video calls. Skype is a free program that can be used through your computer to make phone and video calls. Go to Skype and download eit ...
This is a very useful instructional video on how to use Skype to call anywhere in the world. You can go to Skype .com and click account and open a new account with Skype. Now log on Skype using your u ...