Have you ever gone on a long internet binge, researching and surfing mindless things, and thought to yourself: I wish I could make some money surfing the internet and sharing the (sometimes useless) i ...
Have you ever heard symmetrical is sexier? Yep, according to scientists, symmetry is inherently more attractive to the Homo Sapien eye. Back in the days of Helen of Troy, Phidias, Plato and other grea ...
Nothing on the web is ever private. If you thought you can control your privacy, you were wrong. Websites may give you security options to better hide your information from the world, but ultimately y ...
Recently i encountered this feeds error and my browser mozilla firefox showed me some XML Parsing Error with the error location. Being weak at coding i just Googled this error and found that it is ve ...
The title 333DDD may evoke a familiar NSFW project by the name of 3DD... but, sorry guys, this one isn't about boobs in the third dimension. Artist Mark Beasley's333DDD project is "a javascript bookma ...
Mozilla Firefox is one of the Big Three web browsers, beloved for it's open nature and lack of affiliation with Microsoft or Google. Firefox 4 has been in a rather cranky Beta for some time, but has f ...
Google Chrome has an “ugly” looking settings pop-up page, which displays all the options. If you want the one that will certainly be released on the future versions (which also has a search box, for s ...
Google recently rewrote their search algorithm to make "low-quality sites" disappear from your front page results, putting the emphasis on better, more relevant answers with original content and in-de ...
There are currently two camps on the internet. The first camp—those who are slurping up as much Charlie Sheen tiger blood as possible (hence Sheen's newly bagged Guinness Book of World Records status ...
Put simply, SEO = more organic traffic. And more traffic is always good for a web page / website (unless of course, you are an underground drug-dealer selling drugs worldwide via a spooky website whos ...