How To: Access and edit databases in MySQL Query Browser

Access and edit databases in MySQL Query Browser

In this tutorial we show you where to download MySQL Query Browser and how to access and edit your databases. MySQL Query Browser is an easy way to access database information remotely from your desktop without having to log in to your server. Learn where to get MySQL Query Browser, and how to use it to access and edit your databases.

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1 Comment

I have some databases (SQL), My tech guy connected those to Mysql query browser. Extension of those databases are .MYI and .MYD. For some reason I had to format my laptop, but fortunately I have the data in my external hard drive and I have Mysql Query broswer and its related files (like Instance config and Server 5.5), how do i connect these databases to mysql query browser. So, they can be used as source files to search through queries. Please help. Thanks!

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