How To: Access blocked websites and bypass proxy servers

Access blocked websites and bypass proxy servers

Are you using the Internet at a school, library, or some other place that blocks or restricts web access? Mom and dad still trying to protect you from online predators, even though you're more than old enough to be one yourself? Learn how to bypass proxy servers that block access to certain websites by watching this how-to video. In this case it's done to access Myspace but this method can be used with any blocked website. Follow along with this video tutorial and never get hindered by restricted internet searching again.

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Dear Viewers,This instructional video is actually quite well-researched and may come indeed useful if, and I am not promoting this, you decide to do this at your filtered computer.Overall, the instructor was fairly funny and an all-around good video.
Alex1inferno- The Critic

this is an excellent tool as blocking software is becoming very arbitrary and ridiculously controlling

is anyone here

It just gets to be real annoying getting through my highschool blocks, so now i can use youtubefor "educational purposes"


i wanna know that how i can unblock sites and how i can make

Thank you Life Saver

dude i love video. thanks soooo much!!!

yup. my school has the ping blocked to. they also blocked right clicking and #$%@. it suxx

Hey this is a great idea. I am thinking about using the IP address idea because my school has FortiGuard or something like that. But i tried this at my house just to see if it would work. I typed in the IP address for facebook and it came up perfectly. but then i tried to login and it didn't work. it said it couldn't find the server at the page. any suggestions?

does anyone know if you have to log on with a user id,and you do this,can they find out who it is accessing the sites?

this is very cool.

i have a friend who works in the security service and he knows a lot about PC's and is looking at a way of tracking down where people are just from their email address.

this is not stalking - he is doing this to track down people who owe people money, to track criminals and predators etc.

it is very cool what you can do with a keyboard and internet connection these days.

there are laws that protect people who owe money. they can be called and asked but they can't be harassed either.

that was SICK!!!!

except my school (is private with ALOT of money) has blocked everything that you show in this video! Help!!

Hehehe, I'll get all the office chicks into there facebook pages and be there hero!!!

Thanks... Ill see on thrusday is Im able to get to some websites through it I ushaly use well a-z tunnels but the dont work no more.. Thanks

If i opened a blocked website at work, would IT know that i gained access to a blocked website. And would they know what website i opened. Last question, let's say if I wanted to look at somebody's profile like myspace and the profile is private, is there anyway i can gain access to open a private profile.

almost forgot to tell you my email add I love this, thanks for the info.

Never thought of that.... Genious my friend!

~fear the roundhouse

this is great for all people who want to go backdoor to get where they have to go.also on your home computer you can go backdoor on your existing security and still keep your chilrden safe !!!!!!!

work for a company that does not allow any internet use, says it monitors your use of the internet, now my question how do they do that or can they, can't mention the company might be watching


Yes companys can and do watch internet use, it's one of the main reasons people are fired from jobs. How do they know? It's called remote admin, the admin can not only watch what you're doing, he can lock or even take over control of your computer. Also they may be using a key logger, which records every key stroke, mouse click, and location of the mouse click on the screen. If you're company is strict about "non-work related computer usage" I'd suggest you listen.

I will be trying this at school this week thanks

this is kind of random but i just got outta skool like last week..... if i found this video a couple weeks ago! also my skool can get a print out of what sites the studends have been to. so will it show up or no?

and i forgot one thing i just did the google mexico thingy. when i changd es to en it said it does not support this function. but i figgured out that u can change es to en and en to es and it still works

good video!!!!!!!!!!

hey can u use that to view a profile on facebook without adding the person?? that would be awsome!!!


Hey,that was great.Is this idea also applicable to sites in public cybers?

My school blocks all of these and its a public middle school

very nice well done my friend, I'll try it in the office next week

Be careful at my highschool if you get caught using it you lose computer rights and u cant use the computer for 1 year...

I hope dat works
I wanna play online poker in my school

my cmd says that 'ping' isnt a known internal or external command. wtf is with that?

Just try websites that are under the radar of your school. They are usually unaware of new social communities or websites and you can take advantage of that easily. is a great example for such a site and we use it in our high school constantly.

thanks a lot 4 sharing this kind of information....

Man this is cool, thanks a lot for sharing this information and keep up the good work

do u have any videos on how to get by parental blocks???!!! plz!

i ried to do it it didnt work i t said couldnot translate

I'm using Freedur to access blocked sites right now, and thankfully it's not as complicated as the other proxy softwares I've used in the past. I'm tired of proxy websites, they are just too unreliable at the moment.

For people that want an easy solution that just works (paid), check out I't s pretty much the best VPN service for people in China. One more thing $5/month extremely low price and very fast! Tested.

i don't know why but the ip address formula isn't working for me... whenever i write the name of the blocked site along with ping in cmd prompt an error is displayed saying ping request could not find host

The easiest and the fastest way to accomplish this is through the use of of a proxy. For high anonymous browsing, I recommend using private proxies (I use there are many providers, just google them, compare and choose the one that suits your budget.


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