How To: Activate the junk mail filter in Hotmail

Activate the junk mail filter in Hotmail

For anyone who has a Hotmail account, this video tutorial from GetNetWise shows you the steps involved in activating the junk mail filter. The first step you need to do to activate this feature, is to click on the Junk Mail Folder button at the top of the mail screen. You will then be taken to a settings area that shows you what sensitivity your junk mail filter is currently at. The higher the sensitivity, the more aggressive Hotmail is at moving a possibly piece of spam to the junk mail folder. It is suggested that you keep the setting at low so that mail you would normally want to read is not accidentally placed into the wrong folder. The High setting is the middle setting and will likely result in mail that you normally read being put into the junk mail folder. The Exclusive, or highest setting, only allows mail to go into your mailbox that is from your Contacts folder. After you have selected the setting you want to use, click on the Okay button to save your changes. Follow these steps to learn how to filter junk mail out of your regular mail folder once and for all.

Activate the junk mail filter in Hotmail

Activate the junk mail filter in Hotmail Click through to watch this video on

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