How To: Add photos to Facebook using Picasa

Add photos to Facebook using Picasa

In this Computers & Programming video tutorial you will learn how to add photos to Facebook using Picasa. The video is from Help Me Rick. Log into Facebook, go down to the lower left corner and click 'Applications'. Click 'Find More' and in the search applications box, type in 'Picasa'. You will get a list of Picasa applications. Select the Picasa by Alan Lundeen. Here you click 'go to applications' -> install now -> OK -> Yes -> Facebook -> Add -> OK. Now you will get a Facebook icon on the bottom. Then you select the pictures that you want to upload to Facebook and click on Facebook icon. You will be prompted to log in to Facebook. Then click 'Allow', on the next page, create a new album or select an album that you already have and click 'Upload'. And you have successfully added photos to Facebook.

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