How To: Add photos to your Facebook fan page

Add photos to your Facebook fan page

Laura Roeder demonstrates how to add photos to your Facebook fan page. First, sign into Facebook and go to your fan page. Then, click on the photos tab which is an application on your page. Click the plus sign if you do not see the photos tab to access the photos function by adding the application in the edit page option. If you don't already have a photo album created, set one up using the create a photo album button. Then, use the add photos tab to add photos to your photo album. You can only add photos on your computer's hard drive which is located in the left hand interface of the page. Highlight which folder on your computer you'd like to read from and then tick the box of the photo that you'd like to add to the album. Next, click the upload button. Once your photo is uploaded, you can add a caption to the photo. Click the save changes button and the publish button to make your photo viewable on your fan page.

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