How To: Add your own photos to Facebook

Add your own photos to Facebook

To add photos to Facebook, log into Facebook and go to your profile page. Click the photos button on the left hand side of the screen. On the next screen, click the my photos button at the top of the page. Next, create a photo album. Type in the name, location and description of the album into the appropriate boxes. Choose your visibility preferences and click the create album button. Next, using the Facebook Java upload tool, choose the hard drive file that your photos are located in from the interface on the left hand side of the screen. Tick the boxes next to the photos that you would like to upload and click the upload button. After your photos are uploaded you will be able to add captions to your photos and tag the people in your photos. Then, click the save changes button on the bottom of the screen to enable the viewing of your photographs on Facebook.

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1 Comment

i have never hooked up a camera to pc, i would like to share photos on facebook.

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