How To: Allow cookies from specific sites in Internet Explorer

Allow cookies from specific sites in Internet Explorer

This is the GetNetWise video guide on how to set up Internet Explorer 6.0 for Windows to allow cookies from some sites. This is useful if you wish to block cookies by default, but allow for certain sites. The procedure is simple; firstly, select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu. Then select the Privacy Tab of the Internet Options menu, and under the Web Sites section click the Edit button. In the text box labeled "Address of Web site", type in the address of the site from which you want to allow cookies. For example, in the video the user wishes to allow cookies from the New York Times' site (, and so enters "" in the edit box. Once the address is entered, the "Allow" button should be clicked; the site that was entered in the preceding step should now appear in the "Managed Web Sites" list. Finally, the "Ok" button should be clicked to confirm the change in settings.

Allow cookies from specific sites in Internet Explorer

Allow cookies from specific sites in Internet Explorer Click through to watch this video on

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