How To: Block recent activities on Facebook

Block recent activities on Facebook

This video is about how to block recent activities on Facebook. The first thing that you will have to do is to log in to your Facebook account. After logging in to your account, the next thing that you will have to do is to go to account settings and look for the "Ads and Pages". After you have found "Ads and Pages", click on the "Edit Settings" and go to the "Special Permissions" tab and uncheck "Publish recent activity" box then press "Okay" after wards. The next step is to look for "Events" and click "Edit Settings". Once you have clicked "Edit Settings", go to "Special Permissions" tab and uncheck "Publish to streams" box, then click "Okay". Then the next step is to look for "Groups". Do the same process as what you did in the "Events". The final step is to look for "Photos" and "Videos". Do the same process as what you did in the "Groups". Then you're done!

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