How To: Change your account password in cPanel

Change your account password in cPanel

Let's begin your journey into cPanel. Today, we'll start with something easy. The tutorial below will teach you how to change your password. It is good practice to change your cPanel password every few months or as soon as you think your password's been compromised.
To change your password:

1. Click on the Change Password link or icon
2. Type in your old password
3. Type in your new password and re-type it again in the box under so that you can make sure you typed it in right the first time.
4. Click on the Change your password now! button
And that's it.

When you choose a password, make sure that it is not something that is easily guessed. A combination of alphabets and numbers is best. And make sure that it has at least 6 characters.

Change your account password in cPanel

Change your account password in cPanel Click through to watch this video on

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