How To: Clear histroy & delete temporary files in AOL 5

Clear histroy & delete temporary files in AOL 5

Follow these step by step instructions and learn to clear your history and delete temporary files in AOL 5.

-Click on My AOL on the AOL toolbar.
-Highlight and click on Preferences within the My AOL menu.
-Click on the WWW box within the Preferences window.
-Select the General tab.
-Within the History section, click the Clear History button.
-Click Yes, you want windows to delete your history of visited websites.
-Within the Temporary Internet Files section, click the Delete Files button.
-Click OK to delete all files in the Temporary Internet Files.
-Click the OK button to exit the window.

There you have it! Just follow these instructions, and you will be able to clear your history and delete your temporary files.

Clear histroy & delete temporary files in AOL 5

Clear histroy & delete temporary files in AOL 5 Click through to watch this video on

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