How To: Create a Facebook fan page for your business

Create a Facebook fan page for your business

This tutorial is in response to mail to Facebook. Scott Wilde leads you through the process. You can start by creating a brand new profile page. In this case, Mr. Wilde created a profile page for his dog Java Wilde so he could have a fresh new page without having to alter his initial profile page. Fan pages are different than your base profile. Your base profile is not indexed, it is not public, it is private and limited to 5000 friends. A fan page is unlimited up to millions of fans and it can be indexed in Google search. Be careful not to put a personal business as your personal profile. As you enter Facebook, it will be different entering as a new member than as an established business. When preparing fan pages for a new account, go to edit the profile, reach the wall, go to the bottom of the page and click on the advertising button. This takes you to a page with Advertising, pages, share and (friend) connect on the top, with create an ad button to the right. By clicking on pages, you will see a button to create a page. Clicking on create page brings you to three types of options, the drop down menus for local, brands or products and artist band or public figure. Facebook blocks many words associated with companies (logos, trademarks etc.) so you may have to reselect your names as you create your page. When finished creating your name, type in the security code, and type in your signature exactly as stated in this profile. Click 'Create Page' and there is the official fan page. You can upload a profile picture. Go to the edit button and the page appearing includes places for hours of business, websites, valet, parking lot, streets and so on. Click on done editing. On a profile page already active, you will see icons on the bottom navigation bar for ad and pages, click this, arrive at pages, where you can publish your projects or create a new page.

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