How To: Create a non-profit Facebook page in 4 minutes

Create a non-profit Facebook page in 4 minutes

A Facebook page formatted specifically for non-profits can be created in a matter of minutes with this video tutorial from John Haydon. The first step you need to take is to search for any page. In this tutorial, Haydon searches for the page "Facebook Pages/Public Profiles" to use as the example. On the bottom left (of any Facebook page), you will notice that there is a link for "Create a Page for My Business." Click on that link, which allows you to begin the page creation process. Non-profits should click on the "Brand, Product, or Organization" category, which opens up a drop-down menu where you can select "Non-Profit." Then, type the name of your non-profit, select "I am authorized to Create This Page" and type in your name. You can then begin uploading pictures from your computer's desktop. On the left side of the page, you can click on the "Edit Page" link. Then, go about setting your settings related to age and wall settings. You may also want to edit the various applications that come with the Facebook page. After creating all of these edits, click on the link "publish this page" on the upper right hand portion of the screen. Follow these basic steps to set up your non-profit's Facebook page.

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