How To: Disable referrer logging in Opera 5.01 & 6

Disable referrer logging in Opera 5.01 & 6

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to disable referrer logging in Opera 6 and 5.01. To do this, first open Opera and click on the File menu. In the File menu select the Preferences option. Now this should open the Preferences window. There are lots of options in the side bar of the Preferences menu. Select the Privacy option among them by clicking it. Now to the right side in that window there is a check box displaying Throw away new cookies on exit. Now check that option. Now finally click the Okay button to make the changes and exit the window. This video shows how to disable the referrer logging in the Opera browser 6 & 5.01.

Disable referrer logging in Opera 5.01 & 6

Disable referrer logging in Opera 5.01 & 6 Click through to watch this video on

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