How To: Download the New Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate for Windows 7 or Vista

Download the New Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate for Windows 7 or Vista

No more Internet Explorer 9 Beta. Not today. Now you can explore the web with Microsoft's new Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate (RC). It wasn't supposed to be released until tomorrow, February 10th, but it's been leaked a little early, WinRumors reports.

Microsoft's main change in Internet Explorer 9 is the addition of Tracking Protection. The new privacy feature allows consumers to address their concerns about being tracked on the web.

Microsoft's second security enhancement is the ability to block ActiveX controls. Internet Explorer 9 RC includes an "ActiveX filter" option. The filter allows users to switch off ActiveX elements within their session, furthering Microsoft's commitment to security within its browser.

How to Download the New Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate for Windows 7 or Vista

So, for all of you IE9 hungry Windows users— download a copy of the Release Candidate now!


For those interested in the final release, it's expected to become available in April 2011.

To see what the new Internet Explorer 9 RC can do, check out WinRumors video overview below.

You can also check out Microsoft's video about the new Tracking Protection feature:

via TNW

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