HowTo: Hack the New Facebook Profile Page With Your Face

Hack the New Facebook Profile Page With Your Face

Inspired by the French artist who was the first to "hack" the new Facebook profile page, tons of creative copycat versions have begun to surface (scroll all the way down). But the sickest version by far is this video + image mashup/remix created by Stinson Design:

Below, learn how to hack your own profile with images (you'll have to figure out the video part on your own):

HowTo: Hack the New Facebook Profile Page With Your Face

HowTo: Hack the New Facebook Profile Page With Your Face

HowTo: Hack the New Facebook Profile Page With Your Face

HowTo: Hack the New Facebook Profile Page With Your Face

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This is pretty cool. But it sure would suck if someone tags you in another picture, ruining all your effort!

yeah. facebook should make this easier for the user... right now you delete and another populates. you should be able to just choose which ones, which order, and if they can be "disrupted" or not (by tagging).

Wow thanks 4 this awesome tutorial !!! its Great!

wow!!!!!!!!!!!!too good!!!!!!

i hate the new facebook layout

i love it just because of this.

The DBZ-inspired one made me crack up lol

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