HowTo: Watch TV and Movies on the Web for Free

Watch TV and Movies on the Web for Free

Prepared to transition into watching TV and movies for free? Whether you're interested in using apps like Boxee and Hulu or set-top devices like Roku and TiVo, LifeHacker offers an exhaustive guide to ditching your cable bill. Check out the pros and cons of switching to web only viewing.

HowTo: Watch TV and Movies on the Web for Free

"If you're going to unplug from the cable company, prepare to exercise some patience when it comes to watching your favorite shows as soon as they air—it can take anywhere from a day to a week for them to appear online. Also, be ready to do some digging around to find who's streaming special events, sports, and other programming outside of the drama/sitcom variety. Let's take a look at ways to find certain types of programming without relying on your cable company."

HowTo: Watch TV and Movies on the Web for Free

Get the lowdown. LifeHacker covers:

  • Watch TV Online
  • Watch Movies Online
  • Watch Sports Online
  • Set-Top Boxes and Gadgets
  • The Antenna Option

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