How To: Import Flickr photos to Facebook

Import  Flickr photos to Facebook

Linking your social networking activity together has never been so easy. Randy Ksar shows us the simple process of linking your Facebook and Flickr accountstogether so you and your friends can view your them both easily without navigating from site to site. First, you should log into your Facebook page click on Profile, select settings and you should see Activity. All you need to do is simply click on the Flickr link and type your Flickr user account name and you're done. Note that your Flickr photos must be set to public for this to work and one disadvantage is that you'll be unable to tag the photos using the built in Facebook features. You can also use nearly this same process to link your Facebook account to the activity of many other popular social networking sites such as Digg, Pandora Radio, Hulu or even your personal blog.

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