How To: Install and use Adblock Plus in Mozilla Firefox

Install and use Adblock Plus in Mozilla Firefox

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to install and use Ad Block Plus in Mozilla Firefox. Begin by clicking on Tools and select Add-on. Then click on Get Add on and search for the extension in the search box. Now install the add on and restart the browser. Users will be able to selectively block out text ads or even just elements of web page that is not wanted to be seen. This video will benefit those viewers who use the Mozilla Firefox web browser, and would like to learn how to install and use Ad Block Plus to block out annoying and unwanted ads.

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We're still in the slow news period, so let's talk about something we discussed before: blocking advertisements on websites. Up until, well, today, I didn't block ads - not because of some ethical objection or whatever, but simply because I couldn't be bothered to setup
Today, after taking a closer look at some of the websites I frequent, I decided to take the plunge and install Ad Block on all my machines. The following set of screenshots should pretty much explain why.

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