How To: Install Joomla CMS 1.0.13 on Windows 2003 with IIS

Install Joomla CMS 1.0.13 on Windows 2003 with IIS

If you have been looking for a way to get the popular Joomla Content Management system running on Windows with IIS, you may have run into many problems. In fact, many people spend days trying to get Joomla running on IIS and run into roadblock after roadblock. The problem is getting PHP, MySQL, Joomla and IIS to all play nicely together. As you search for solutions, it is easy to find part of the answer, but rarely do you find it all in one place... until now. In this video tutorial we start with a fresh Windows 2003 server and go through every step needed to get Joomla running on it with IIS. We download and install PHP5 and MySQL, tweak the settings of the PHP.INI file, configure IIS to operate with PHP and MySQL, then finally download, install and test Joomla. The tutorial is divided into 3 parts. In part one, we make sure IIS is operating and get PHP5 installed. In part 2, we get MySQL installed and running. Finally, in part 3, we configure the PHP.INI file and get Joomla installed on our server.

(1) Part 1 of 3 - How to Install Joomla CMS 1.0.13 on Windows 2003 with IIS, (2) Part 2 of 3 - How to Install Joomla CMS 1.0.13 on Windows 2003 with IIS, (3) Part 3 of 3 - How to Install Joomla CMS 1.0.13 on Windows 2003 with IIS

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