How To: Make an educational podcast

Make an educational podcast

Many educators and institutions are already integrating podcasting successfully into their curricula — with great results. Podcasting enables educators to use music and recorded audio to enhance learning. The addition of photos and video to podcasting allows educators to add a wide range of visual content to their teaching and address even more learning styles.

Please join Jason Ediger, senior marketing manager, Apple Education, along with his guests, as he explores podcasting and its benefits for education in this free, three-part video series.

(1) Part 1 of 3 - How to Make an educational podcast, (2) Part 2 of 3 - How to Make an educational podcast, (3) Part 3 of 3 - How to Make an educational podcast

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

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