How To: Make Someone Disappear on Facebook

Make Someone Disappear on Facebook

How to Make Someone Disappear on FacebookIs there a certain someone whose pictures and status updates you would rather not see? Like, ever? Wish you could hide a person on Facebook without publicly defriending him or her? Your new best friend is a Michel Gondry-inspired Google Chrome extension named Eternal Sunshine.

Unlike Facebook's built-in ignore tool, the Eternal Sunshine browser add-on will hide almost everything to do with the person: This includes stream updates, profile updates, profile photo updates, photo-page photo albums, sidebar-suggested photo albums, the chat list, the frequent friends list and the user profile friends list.

Want to try Eternal Sunshine for yourself? A full set-up guide follows below.

Step 1 Download Eternal Sunshine from the Google Chrome Extension Gallery

How to Make Someone Disappear on Facebook

Click here for direct access to the Eternal Sunshine download page. 

Step 2 Copy the profile ID or username of the person whom you'd like to ignore

How to Make Someone Disappear on Facebook

Step 3 Paste it into the Eternal Sunshine 'Hide' field and hit the return key

How to Make Someone Disappear on Facebook

That's it! If you've completed the preceding three steps correctly, you now have yourself one very hidden friend. 

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1 Comment

Totally cool man keep it up!!!

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