How To: Opt Out of Instagram's Arbitration Clause in the Terms of Use in Case of Class Action Lawsuit

Opt Out of Instagram's Arbitration Clause in the Terms of Use in Case of Class Action Lawsuit

Instagram's controversial terms of service update this past month has spurred an onslaught of dismay and anger from users of the popular photo-sharing social network. The specific set of the new terms that set off this firestorm basically said that businesses could use your uploaded photos for advertisement, without you receiving any of the profit.

Instagram later changed the terms of service by reverting to the original one. While this may have quelled many Instagram users, it's been recently brought to light by legal experts that the original terms of service are potentially more dangerous, due to their ambiguity.

The new terms of service have also added a new arbitration clause, which states that you "waive your right to participate in a class action lawsuit or class-wide arbitration" against Instagram, unless you opt out.

What this means is that if your state's Attorney General takes Instagram to court for any violation that results in settlements with users, you can't get a piece. So how exactly can you opt out of these terms of use?

It's exceedingly easy to do. All you need to do is copy the template below and include your full name, permanent address, email address, signature, and telephone. Once you're done with that, you'll have to send it via pony express to:

"Instagram, LLC ATTN: Arbitration Opt-out 1601 Willow Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025"

You have to send the letter before January 19th, 2013, so make sure to get on it quickly. Any users that create an Instagram account after that date have 30 days from when they first sign up to send their opt-out letters.

Of course you could always opt-out of Instagram by deleting your account. You can use Flickr to download all of your precious filtered pictures with a simple click. You can even try out several of the Instagram alternatives out there in the market.

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