How To: Save pages in one click to read later on Firefox

Save pages in one click to read later on Firefox

Is there another option for reading a webpage later than bookmarking? Nobody wants to bookmark something they're going to look at once and that's it. It creates clutter and confusion. But there is a way to stop that. This video tutorial will show you how to save pages in one click to read later on Firefox.

The Read It Later Firefox Extension allows you to save pages of interest to read later. It eliminates cluttering of bookmarks with sites that are merely of a one-time interest.

Read It Later has many useful applications, like:
-- One Click Saving
-- Offline Reading
-- Sync Your List with All of Your Computers & Devices
-- Google Reader Integration
-- Click to Save Mode
-- Sorting, Searching, Tagging
-- Bookmark When Done
-- Save All Tabs for Later
-- Sort by PostRank

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