How To: Set up an FTP connection using Firezilla

Set up an FTP connection using Firezilla

This video tutorial is in the Computers & Programming category where you will learn how to set up an FTP connection using Firezilla. Open up your filezilla program. On the top left, click on the file menu button, and select 'site manager'. In the window that opens up, select 'new folder' and give it a name. Now create a site to store in this new folder. Click on 'new site' and name it. Now on the right hand side, enter the host and the port. The default port is 21. Under server type, select FTP. Under log on type select 'normal'. Now enter your user name and password and click on 'save and exit'. Now to connect to the site, go to the file menu and select 'connect to default site' and it's done.

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