How To: Show welcome messages in WordPress with subscribe link

Show welcome messages in WordPress with subscribe link

Do you know where your blog's traffic is coming from? Everywhere. That's where. And they all want a warm welcome to your website. Every blog has multiple traffic sources. In order to welcome visitors from different traffic sources like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Digg, etc., with the welcome message, we can add our subscription link according to the traffic source. Also, we can use default welcome message for direct visitors with help of this plugin. See how.

This video explains:

How to create your own welcome message for your visitors?
How to style your welcome box with your own CSS code?
How to show a welcome message follow us link for a visitor from Twitter?
How to show different greeting messages for readers from different traffic sources?
How to welcome a visitor from social media or bookmarking sites like Facebook, Delicious, Stumble Upon, etc?
How to add java script inside your welcome box?
Where do you want to display greet box— before or after post?
How to remove welcome or greet box from pages?
How to add your own image for welcome message?
How to add default welcome message for direct readers?
How to style WP greetbox welcome message?

For more information, visit the 4blogger post.

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