Want to watch videos on VideoBB, VideoZer or Megavideo, but can't watch cause of time limit after 60min of videos? Well, here's an easy solution to watch files instantly and without limitation. And more, you can share these video on your website or with your friends.
Take video link
For these 3 video host you have to take video link, sample:
- VideoBB : http://www.videobb.com/video/xxxxxxxxxxxx
- VideoZer : http://www.videozer.com/video/xxxxxx
- Megavideo : http://www.megavideo.com/?v=xxxxxxxx
You can take it in your web browsers location bar :
Skip Streaming Time Limits
Just visit the Sheepser website , paste video link and click the "Submit Video" button. That's all. Alternately, you can go directly on Sheepser from VideoBB or others by using Bookmark tool.
Now you can watch unlimited video from these 3 host with no time limit.
Use Sheepser feature
Some nice features :
- Server Switch : Streaming server can be overloaded or down, Sheepser have feature to switch streaming server, use it when video don't load or load slowly. This option is available to the right of the video player.
- Embed video : You can embed these videos on your website or social website, Sheepser give embed iframe code, just take it and use.
- Video Link : I know it's not importante but a lot of site in such don't give videos links, you can share your video link with friends or family!
- Sheepser will not host any videos.
- This is a free service provided by Sheepser
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