How To: Upload pictures and set a profile picture on Facebook

Upload pictures and set a profile picture on Facebook

In this video, we learn how to upload pictures and set a profile picture onto Facebook. First, you will need to locate the pictures you want to use on your computer. After this, log into your Facebook account and click on your profile, then the tab that says photos. Now you will be on a new screen where you can browse your computer to find the photos you want to upload. After you click on all these, click the "upload" link and then wait for the photos to load. After this, you will be able to edit and add comments to your photos, then save and publish to your profile. To set a profile picture, click on the photo that you want and then look on the bottom right hand corner to find the link that says "set as profile picture" After this, you will crop out the section you want as your profile picture, then save it and you're finished.

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