How To: Upload pictures, embed videos, and publish in Blogger

Upload pictures, embed videos, and publish  in Blogger

Radford University demonstrates how to upload pictures, embed videos and then publish them in Blogger. Log into blogger and go to your dashboard page. Click edit posts or create a new post. In the blog editor choose edit image from the toolbar. You can now add an image from a URL or upload one from your computer by choosing the choose file option. Next, choose your image position and size. Then, click the upload image button and then click done. Your image will now appear in your post. To embed a video, copy the embed video information from the desired website. Then, click the edit html tab on your blog editor. Paste the embed video information in the post and click the compose option. Your video will now appear in your post. Click the publish post button. Your blog will now be published. You can now view your blog as the public sees your blog.

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