How To: Upload video to Facebook to promote a realty business

Upload video to Facebook to promote a realty business

Facebook is an awesome free online resource that is connected to billions of people around the world. These days, you won't meet many people who do not have a Facebook account. As a real estate agent, you can take advantage of social networking to promote your business and share your listings. By posting on Facebook and creating a page for your business, you gain free advertising to thousands of local buyers. Check out this tutorial and learn how to start uploading videos to Facebook to promote your company.
Did you know that if Facebook were a country it would be the eighth most populated country in the world, just ahead of Japan! It would be foolish to ignore this type of marketing opportunity!
So, check out this video and start posting. Your videos will be added to the NewsFeed and notifications will be sent to all of your friends! This ensures everyone sees your new listings in real time!

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