How To: Use the AdRotate plugin to serve ads on your WordPress blog

Use the AdRotate plugin to serve ads on your WordPress blog

Have a WordPress blog? Make some money by adding some advertisements. You can easily do this by using the AdRotate plugin for WordPress. It's super easy to install and even easier to use.

By the end of this video, you will be able to serve advertising on your WordPress blog using the AdRotate banner management system. AdRotate will let you track, serve and terminate campaigns based on clicks, impressions and expiry dates. You can also create multiple ad groups so that you can serve ads on different parts of your blog. Best of all, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this free video tutorial can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in just over twelve minutes' time. For detailed instructions, and to get started serving advertisements on your own WordPress blog, take a look.

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i´m using a theme called snapwire 0.7 from gabfire themes.
I cannot select columns in the widget. i want to put 4 ads 125x125, but it doesnt work. have an idea?

Excellent video. Very clearly explained to us "dummies." Thanks, Lester. I need to make money off my website and this will help me get there!

Thanks Les for your explanation on how to use "ad rotate". Nice to have someone explain something for a change that is easy to understand.

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