How To: Use BlackSheep to thwart the password stealing Firesheep in Firefox

Use BlackSheep to thwart the password stealing Firesheep in Firefox

If you're scared of using public Wi-Fi networks with Firesheep out and about, then maybe you should fight back. Don't switch to another web browser— keep using Firefox safely with the help of a new Firefox Add-on that combats Firesheep's password stealing capabilities. It's called BlackSheep, and when installed and running, it will alert you whenever Firesheep is active on your network connection.

BlackSheep from Zscaler will help keep your login cookie information safe and prevent session hijacking. Watch this video to see how to use it to keep your Firefox browsing safe and secure.

You can download BlackSheep here and get more information about it at Zscaler Research.

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