How To: Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet

Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet

Flickr is the most known and dependable photo sharing website to date, so if you haven't made an account yet, you better now, if you want to share your precious photos with family, friends, and even the whole world! Flickr allows you to store digital photographs online and share them with other people.

This video series will cover everything you need to know about using Flickr. The process is all basically the same, whether you're using a Mac or Windows operating system, and no matter which web browser you are using. One difference is that you will have to use Internet Explorer instead of Safari to view the RSS feeds created by Flickr.

Movies in this series:

* Setting Up a Flickr Account
* Uploading Photos to Flickr (Part 1)
* Uploading Photos to Flickr (Part 2)
* Editing Photo Information in Flickr
* Adding Notes in Flickr
* Flickr Slideshows
* Organizing Your Photos Using Sets on Flickr
* Using the Organizr in Flickr
* How to Subscribe to Groups on Flickr
* How to Add a Photo to a Group Pool on Flickr
* How to Remove a Photo from a Group Pool on Flickr
* Creating Your Own Groups in Flickr
* Setting Up Blogging Support for Flickr
* Posting a Flickr Photo to a Blog
* Downloading Photos from Flickr
* Maps Feature
* Exploring Flickr
* Creative Commons on Flickr
* Flickr RSS Feeds
* Creating a Badge on Flickr

(1) Part 1 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (2) Part 2 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (3) Part 3 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (4) Part 4 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (5) Part 5 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (6) Part 6 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (7) Part 7 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (8) Part 8 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (9) Part 9 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (10) Part 10 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (11) Part 11 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (12) Part 12 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (13) Part 13 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (14) Part 14 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (15) Part 15 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (16) Part 16 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (17) Part 17 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (18) Part 18 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (19) Part 19 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet, (20) Part 20 of 20 - How to Use Flickr to share photos on the Internet

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