How To: Use the UCSC Genome Browser

Use the UCSC Genome Browser

In this video tutorial series, you'll find instructions for using the UCSC Genome Browser. More specifically, this video addresses (1) getting DNA sequences, (2) using annotation tracks, (3) locating intron-exon boundaries, and (4) searching with BLAT. For further detail about any or all of the above topics, and to get started using the UCSC Genome Browser yourself, take a look!

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 1 of 4

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 1 of 4 Click through to watch this video on

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 2 of 4

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 2 of 4 Click through to watch this video on

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 3 of 4

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 3 of 4 Click through to watch this video on

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 4 of 4

Use the UCSC Genome Browser - Part 4 of 4 Click through to watch this video on

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