Friday Fresh: Trade Gift Cards For Facebook Credits And More

Trade Gift Cards For Facebook Credits And More

Write about what you LOVE. EARN money for it. 

In this week's edition of Friday Fresh, we're doing a little something different. You may have noticed our banner touting our Love. Earn program, and a new section called New Articles By You. New articles on topics as varied as snorkeling and transplanting papaya trees are appearing every day. If you have a subject you consider yourself an expert on, submit a how-to article to WonderHowTo. Once it's been reviewed and approved, you can start earning money from Google AdSense ads that appear in the article. All the revenue from the Google AdSense ads go to you. If you're interested in contributing, all you have to do is get started.  

This week, we're featuring a few of the user-contributed articles that we're really excited about. 

Exchange gift cards for cash, other gift cards and Facebook credits

Friday Fresh: Trade Gift Cards For Facebook Credits And More

Ever have a bunch of gift cards lying around for stores and restaurants you never go to? Instead of forgetting about them, and letting them lapse, why not trade them in for stuff you'll actually use, like Facebook? Katie, our resident FrontierVille expert, shows you how you can use the site PlasticJungle to transform your gift cards into Facebook credits. Spend them on your FarmVille games, or on virtual gifts for friends. 

Make the best chain mail armor ever

Friday Fresh: Trade Gift Cards For Facebook Credits And More

I don't have to tell you why we're totally enamored with William's guide on making chain mail armor. From the detailed instructions to the beautiful pictures, we're confident that you, too, can make your own chain mail armor. We'd wear them everywhere.

Build a PVC ball valve air cannon

Friday Fresh: Trade Gift Cards For Facebook Credits And More

Feeling bored this summer? We've got the perfect project for you. TSRAA shows you how you can make your very own PVC ball valve air cannon, and all without breaking the bank at all. This article also includes a how-to video, perfect for the visual learner.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

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