News: Inklewriter Lets You Write and Share Your Own 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Books

Inklewriter Lets You Write and Share Your Own 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Books

Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure novels? If your school was anything like mine, they were so popular you were lucky to find one to check out at the library. But there's no worries now, thanks to this handy HTML5 app, which makes it easy to write and share your own 'choose your own adventure' novels.

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inklewriter is a free tool designed to make writing interactive stories simple. Basically, you start typing and inklewriter helps you organize your story, making it easy to add, remove and connect the different options you want to give the reader, called paths.

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The Contents panel shows you everything you've written so far and lets you join paragraphs and create different plot lines for each path.

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It even uses conditional logic to keep continuity. This function also keeps track of the choices the reader has made and gives them paths based on those choices. That means some paths will only be available if the reader makes the choices that would logically bring them to those paths.

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Once you've finished your masterpiece, you can share it via a unique URL so other people can read it.

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You can use inklewriter without creating an account, but you'll only be able to work on one story at a time and it will be saved in your browser, so you won't be able to access it from other machines or share it.

Click here to see an example story or here to start writing your own. Be sure to share it with us if you make one!

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Photo by Unicity

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