If you accidentally deleted a few contacts in Gmail, don't worry. You could still restore or find those email ids. This video will show you how to recover those contacts and bring back to your contact list. The process of recovering those contacts is quite easy. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This tutorial video will show you how to watch all images in a Facebook chat together. Now you could gather or organize all images exchanged with a friend all together. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This video will show you how to make a Twitter list for same category post. You have to find twits of your interest or for a specific topic or theme from there. But Twitter creates a list of tweets coming from a set of account or users belonging to that list. So you can easily classify same category twits by creating lists. Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you a few useful tips and tricks for Google search engine. This search tricks video will highlight areas like search by location, filter image search, see sites that are not online now, movie times to see movies running in cities. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the tricks in your PC.
This video will show you handy tips and tricks about Google search engine. These tips will help you to speed up your computing or browsing experience. This video contains tricks like Search by location, Filter image search, how to see sites that aren't online, movies running in a city theaters etc. This video is the 2nd part of the serial. You could also watch the part 1 here vimeo.com/104089915.
This tutorial video will provide an idea how to watch YouTube video in slow motion. You could reduce the speed of a YouTube video to .25, .50. You could also make a video run faster than normal speed. This is very easy to employ. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to do it in your own PC.
This video will show you how to view and edit Google drive documents offline. Now you could view and edit a Google drive file when internet connection is disconnected. The editing you have done will be saved automatically and updated in Google drive when internet is reconnected. This is only possible in Google Chrome browser. Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it in your browser.
This video will show you how to download any video from Firefox browser with flash video Downloader. Most of the videos in internet don't have downloading link. Many cases they are paid. First, you have to install the Flash video Downloader in Firefox and then the rest will be done the add-on itself. This is very easy to employ. So please watch the video.
This tutorial video will guide you how to share your iPhone 5 internet connection with computer. You could access the internet and data pack of iPhone 5 if it connected with iPhone 5. This is very easy to employ. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to do it in your PC.
This video will guide you 5 useful tricks and tips for Google search engine. These tips include search operators, search in a single site, get definition, calculation and currency conversion, fast essential information etc. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to employ in your machine.
This video will show you how to view and edit Google drive documents offline. You could do this only in Google Chrome browser. If you are editing or viewing a Google drive file and suddenly internet connection is gone, you can still view and edit. You should only download an app for it. It will save your changes offline and will automatically update when you will reconnect with internet. Follow the video and do it in your Google Chrome browser.
This video will show you how to set Twitter alerts system receiving emergency update. This new alerts often saves life, property and valuable resources of human being. Advance alerts about Tsunami, cyclone or a thunderstorm can reduced the amount of property loss. Watch the video and learn how to receive twitter alerts from important organizations.
This video will show you how to test the speed of your USB drives. If you feel that your computer is slow in transferring data from USB drive or hard drive check the speed with HD Tune. This is a tool that shows you the current transferring speed. So you can take decision to increase data transfer speed. This tool can also scan your drives for errors. So please watch the video and follow all the steps.
This video will show you how to watch YouTube video in slow motion as compared to normal speed. You could reduce the speed of a YouTube video to .25, .50. You could also make a video run faster than normal speed. So please watch the video and employ it in your computer.
This video will guide you how to turn off and delete your chat history in Google Hangout. With the help of this video, you can remove and turn off your all sensitive previous saved chat history. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
This is a video that I created for teaching you(the viewer) how to batch unrar, unzip, or extract a lot of files at a time but I do it in rap form. I know it sounds weird but I still hope you like it.
This video will show you how to display weather information in Google calendar at a particular place. You could see the present date weather and coming 3 day forecasting. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to employ the technique in your PC.
This tutorial video will provide an idea how to manage tabs and apps in Facebook fan page. With the help this video you could reorder tables, remove or add new apps in your Facebook business page. So please watch the video and employ the technique to do it yourself.
You have become frustrated with the starting advertisement in YouTube and other video websites. This video will show you how to block ads before your video starts in YouTube and other websites. Watch the video and follow all the steps to watch advertisement free videos.
This video will show you how to control and limit data usage in windows 8 phone. If you set your usage limit internet will stop automatically after reaching the limit. Follow the video and employ the technique in your own phone.
This video will show you how to create a Twitter list for similar interest twits together. But if you want that twit from a special type of following or users will be bundled together then you have to create a list. You can isolate you favorite or useful twits from all twits coming by creating list in twitter. So please watch the video.
This tutorial video will show you how to download YouTube videos online in your PC. This is very easy to employ. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to download YouTube videos in your computer.
This video will show you how to convert a word doc in office 2007 to PDF. This is very easy to employ. First, you have to download a file SaveAsPDF.exe from internet. Then watch this video for rest of proceedings.
This video will provide an idea how to set browsers home page. Here Internet Explorer is taken for an example. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique to set internet Explorer home page on your PC.
This tutorial video will show you how to delete history from Google. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique to remove history from Google in your PC.
We know that Facebook is a very useful social media site. This video will provide an idea how to block all comments on Facebook. Watch the video. Follow the steps not to allow spam or scam comment on your Facebook business page.
This tutorial video will show you how to make addthis button in Google Chrome browser. You can employ this technique in chrome in your own PC. So please watch the video and follow all the steps for inserting addthis button.
This tutorial video will show you how to launch a website or webpage and desktop menu from status bar. These tricks will ease your computing and save time. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
Facebook keeps your search history for future search reference. Now you could view or delete your previous search history. But we suggest you to view and delete only few if it is necessary. Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it in your Facebook account.
With mean hackers and snoopers out there, there are many risks associated with using a free WiFi network since no information sent to and from your computer is encrypted. In essence, it means that anyone else connected to the hotspot of your coffee shop, hotel or airport can easily intercept all your personal data sent through that network. Ouch!
This video will show you how to recover permanently deleted files which you have deleted from recycle bin. The Recuva Data Recovery tool will recover deleted files from your PC. So please watch the video to download Recuva tool and execute to restore deleted files in your computer.
This tutorial video will show you how you can prevent email sending from your Google+ circle. Google has a feature that any Google+ circle friend can send your Gmail. He doesn't need to know your Gmail address. You can block such email sending to you. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This video will show you how to prevent friends from sending app and game invitation on Facebook. Frequent request message for participating in Facebook games or app often makes your Facebook visit irritating. If you want to stop such message then watch the video.
This video shows before downloading a file (audio, video, text, executable etc.) in your PC you should check the site before downloading for virus. You should also scan the downloaded file before executing the file. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
This video will show you how to cancel or undo a sent mail and preview mails in inbox. If you sent an incomplete mail or to a wrong person you could undo your action. Gmail will provide you few second to cancel the send operation. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This video will show you how to search Twitter by parameters without sign up or log in. Here a person can use search parameters to find the desire twits. So there is no headache for signing up or logged in for searching. So please Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to connect ms outlook with Gmail to access and backup all email in outlook express. Google mail will be connected to MS outlook and copy of your each email in Google mail will be send to MS outlook. This way outlook will be a backup of your each Gmail. You could open your all emails from outlook offline. Watch the video and employ the technique in your PC.
This video will show you how to change downloading location from Google Chrome. If you download a special type of file often then you have to visit default downloading folder and move them to your preferred location. But you could set the downloading location to your preferred folder from chrome. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This video will guide you how to download any video from the internet through your Firefox browser. This add-on is also available in other browsers like Google chrome and internet explorer. Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This tutorial video will show you how to install the PC tool Winutilities and clean your PC for faster computing. This will help you to speed up your PC. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
This video will show you how to create slideshow from Facebook images online. Many users want to see those photos at a time as a slideshow. You may also download the slideshow for offline use. So please watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This video will show you how to open multiple Google account in one Chrome browser. Generally browsers don't allow login multiple accounts simultaneously. But Google chrome has an add-on by which you could login multiple Google accounts simultaneously in Google chrome. So please watch the video.
Many people use Facebook login detail to enter different apps or websites. This is somehow dangerous because unethical websites or apps may use your Facebook detail. So to avoid this warning Facebook is generating a temporary password for you. Now you could use this detail to login app or websites. You don't have to use your Facebook original login detail.
Hello everyone, this tutorial is about How to create a fake virus by just using Notepad. Its really simple and won't harm anyone but still scares alot of people.
This video will show you how to stop spammy notification from apps on Facebook. It is often seen that people unintentionally install many unnecessary apps. Not only from those apps but from few useful app also they get spammy notification. This is irritating and frustrating. So if you want to stop notification from those apps then you must watch this video.
This video will show you how to protect others from accessing saved password on Google Chrome. Saving account passwords in browsers are useful for time saving as well as threatening for malicious activity. This is dangerous for security. So you must protect your accounts detail from others to secure your browsing. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This tutorial video will show you how to find first tweet of any user in Twitter. You have to type first-tweets.com in address bar of your browser. The site will be redirected to discover.twitter.com/first-tweet page. Just type any user name and twitter will show the first twit of that user. Watch the video and try it yourself.
In Our Modern world computer and internet are some of the most important things Now a days. So most of the people use computer and internet in their daily life.But who thinks about their safety. Every user must follow some rules by using the most innovative invention ever , which is the internet. But there are some people who wants to do some bad things.They are called Crackers not hackers. So we want to get rid from their attacks and their programs. So we can move together to make a wonderful...
This video will show you how to search on twitter using parameters without Signup. You don't need to be sign up for twitter search. Anyone could use this twitter search feature and utilize parameter. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This video will describe you how to take your Gmail backup on your PC or MS Outlook express. By connecting Gmail with MS outlook a copy of each email from Gmail account will be received in MS outlook on your PC. So from now you could access your Gmail offline. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
This video will show you how to block users and app invites on Facebook. You can also block apps from sending you notifications. If you accidentally blocked any user or app you intended you could unblock them easily. So please watch the video and employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This video will show you how to change the default downloading folder for your downloads. When you download a video or file it is saved in the default downloading folder in our PC. You have to go to that folder then copy or move the folder in a specific location. But you can get rid of such extra work by setting your downloading folder in a different location you want. The next time you download something that will be saved in your specified location. Watch the video.
This tutorial video will show you how to download any video from internet where download link may not be absent. We are showing the technique for chrome browser. You have to install an add-on to download any video. This add-on has a Firefox version also. See the video and Employ the technique in your browser.
This video will show you how to install and clean your PC with PC clean tool winutilities. This will help you scan your PC for deleting temporary files and make your computer faster.
Are You Ever Wondered how Google Chrome Extensions Change the New Tab Design.And ever felt to do it your self.Then You have reached the right place.In this tutorial we are going to teach you every single step in creating a Google Chrome Extension to Create Your Own Newtab Page.