If you are disturbed with Spammy notification from few apps then here is good news for you. This video will help you how to block Spammy notification on Facebook. You could stop such notification from reaching your inbox. See the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to open multiple Google accounts in one chrome browser. But Google introduced an add-on which will let you do your multiple accounts job at the same time. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your PC.
This tutorial video will show you Facebook generated temporary password to login app or website through Facebook. This may be harmful if the app or website uses our Facebook detail unethically. So to avoid such situation Facebook generated temporary or one time password for login. So you don't have to share your original Facebook password. Watch the video.
This video will show you few advanced tricks to increase speed of your Firefox browser. Like the first part this video is also easy to employ in your PC or browser. See the video and follow all the steps to increase Firefox speed in your browser. First part: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1igyfc_firefox-few-advanced-tricks-to-speed-up-browser_tech
Now most of the free email providers allow upto 25 MB of file attachment. But we need more. This video will help you how to send or transfer big files upto 2GB over internet without any cost. Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to see first twit of any user in twitter. You could type https://www.first-tweets.com in address bar and the site will be redirected to another place https://www.discover.twitter.com/first -tweet page. You have to enter the user name and twitter will fetch the first twit of that user. Watch the video and employ it yourself.
This tutorial video will provide you few advanced tricks to speed up your Firefox browsers. You can employ it yourself. Watch the video and follow carefully before implementing in your browser.
This video will show you how to isolate or distinguish images in Google according to their usage right. Google also provides you information about the commercial or noncommercial usage permission. Watch the tutorial video and select your image for reuse.
If you delete data by using Hardwipe tool, then it can't be regained by any means. The file or data will be deleted permanently. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully. Employ the technique in your own PC.
This tutorial video will show you how to hide Facebook friends list from public. With the help of this video you should restrict others from watching your Facebook friends list. Watch the video and employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This video will show you how to delete or view Facebook search history. Facebook saves its user search history. User could view and delete this search history. Watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to stop Facebook comments in your post. This is useful to prevent spam comment or scam in a business page. Watch the video and Follow all the steps. Employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This tutorial video will provide an idea how to create addthis button in Google Chrome browser. This is very easy to employ. Watch the video and follow all the steps to create addthis button in Chrome browser.
This video will show you how to recover permanently deleted file which you have deleted from recycle bin. But if any new file allocated to those positions then the files could not be recovered with this tool. Watch the video from the installation to execution of the tool to recover deleted data.
This video will show you how to block game and app request from friends in Facebook. If your friend circle is big then the invitation of games and apps from Friends on Facebook becomes irritating. Watch the video and employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This video will show you how to block pop-up in Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. Pop-up often gives you trouble or make you annoyed while you surf internet. So you could avoid such pop-ups by making minor changes in your browsers. Watch the video and follow the steps to block pop-up in your browser.
This video will show you how to block flash auto play in a web page. These videos not only consume bandwidth but, also irritates. Here first showing this for Google Chrome Browser. Through this tutorial you could get rid of that. Watch the video.
This tutorial video will provide an idea how to cancel or undo a Gmail sending. You will get a few seconds to undo the sent mail in Gmail. So please Watch the video and follow the steps. Employ the technique in your Gmail account.
Custom Timelines (CTs) allow you to control exactly which Tweets appear in a column on Tweetdeck. So if a particular event catches your eye as newsworthy you can tailor your CT to show what you consider to be the most relevant Tweets. These CTs can then be customized, shared and embedded on your website. This is a great way of increasing interaction on Twitter and sharing current, interesting and breaking news stories from any niche or subject
This tutorial video will help you how to backup your tweets with your official twitter archive. From this archive you could easily reach or find your tweet of different months or years. Watch the video and follow the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to hide friend and follower list on Facebook. If you set "Friends" your friend information will be invisible to those who are not your friends. Watch the video and follow all the steps. Employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This video will provide an idea how to extract the audio from a YouTube video. This video will also show you to download the video in your preferred format. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to display weather information about a particular place in Google calendar. You could see the present date weather and coming 3 day forecasting. So enjoy your Google calendar.
We know that YouTube is the most popular online video sites. But this video will provide an idea how to blur faces in YouTube video. So please watch the video and follow all the steps to do it yourself.
This video will show you how to target your audience for Facebook post. You could set country, language, age group, qualification, etc. for watching your post. Watch the video and follow all the steps. Employ the technique in your Facebook account.
Facebook is a very useful social media sites. Shared album is a place where multiple users can upload, view and edit photos. Maximum of 50 people could share a Shared album. This video will show you how to create a shared album on Facebook. Hope this feature will be available to all users and countries in near future. Watch the video and Employ the technique in your Facebook account.
This video will show you how to send text SMS from Gmail account. Your mobile number has to register with your Gmail account. The receiver could also respond to your SMS. Watch the video and employ the technique.
This video will describe you how to search for a Copyright free image. Google advanced image search gives you the opportunity to find free images from any category. Copyright free images are free to use in personal even as commercial purpose. Watch the video and follow the steps.
This video will show you how to bring Twitter and Facebook in your Google Chrome toolbar. When you are visiting other sites you could see your Facebook and twitter notification in the toolbar. You could also do all Facebook and twitter activities like post, twit, retweet etc. from the toolbar. Watch the video and do it yourself.
This video will describe you how to set Google online timer. Now you don't have to bother about the timer or stopwatch. You can bring a timer in your Google.com home page. You have to type a command "Google timer 50 seconds" and a timer will start automatically. You can stop and reset the timer whenever you want. Watch the video and employ it yourself.
This video will show you how to add Social and Custom links in YouTube Channel Banner. You can employ it yourself. Watch the video and follow the steps carefully.
I am a graphic designer, so I have to collect massive pics from webpages to provide me with inspiration. But sometimes I need to use them everywhere, even if I've no access to computers or laptops, so I have to resort to mobile devices.
This video will describe you how to set Gmail tabs on your computer. Through this Gmail tab you could organize you Gmail's in category like Social Media mail, forum mails, Promotional mails etc. Watch the video and do it yourself.
This video will provide an idea how to block an email address in Yahoo and Gmail. This video will show in two steps. Watch the video and follow all the steps to block email ids in Yahoo and Gmail account.
This video will guide you few advanced tricks to speed up Firefox browser. If you apply these tricks it will definitely increase the speed and make your browsers experience sweeter. Watch the video and follow all the steps.
Often we think about usage right of images before using them in webpage or any other documents. We face trouble to find the copy right or usage right of an image. Google image search introduced a feature to find images under usage right category.
You could pin your favorite friends on top of chat list. This will save your time of searching to chat with your favorite friends. This feature is available for IOS and Android phone only. Follow the video and do it yourself.
Just a little tutorial I put together for those that love to text at work or school or any other place really that you spend a lot of time in. I hope you enjoy.
This video will provide an idea how to Configure Outlook to get Gmail in your inbox. The main reason behind this is to get mails from Gmail or others accounts mail into outlook express. Follow the steps and employ it yourself.
This video will help you how to uninstall Dog pile toolbar from your browser or PC. Here the video will show you how to remove it in few simple steps. Watch the video and follow all the steps carefully.
We know that Facebook is a very useful social media site. Facebook keeps your search history in its database. This video will show you how to view or delete history in your Facebook account. Follow the video and try it yourself.
This video will help you how to stop Google plus users from sending your gmail. Google plus has the facility or feature that users can send email messages to several users without knowing his/her email address. Watch the video.
If you are not interested about the huge amount of messages contain app and playing game invitation in Facebook, then you could stop those messages from coming to your end. This video shows how to block friends from sending apps and game requests o
This video will provide an idea how to block pop up in your Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer browser. Pop ups often turn your internet surfing into a better one. Watch the video and follow all the steps.
This video will guide you how to block website in Firefox and Google Chrome browser. The video also shows how to unblock those websites. With the help of this tutorial video you could block a website on your PC.
This tutorial video will show you how to run the browser in safe mode for faster internet speed. In browsers add-ons consume memory and slow down the browser's speed. But you could open your browser in safe mode where the browser opens without add-ons. This safe mode increases internet or browser speed.
This video will show you how to stop flash auto play in Chrome and Firefox Browser. Flash auto play consumes unnecessary bandwidth and slow down speed also. Now with the help of this video you could stop this auto Play feature in Chrome and Firefox browser.
This video will describe you how to cancel or undo sending a Gmail. When you send a Gmail and after clicking send button you realize something was wrong and need to be edited. But you can do anything. This video will show how you will get a few seconds to undo your Gmail sending.
This video will guide you how to backup your tweets with your official twitter archive. From this archive you could easily reach or find you twits of different months or years. Watch the video and employ the technique in your twitter account.
This video will provide an idea how you could hide your friend related information on Facebook and list from the public or your friends also. Especially the list is hidden from those who are not your friends in Facebook.
This video will guide you how to extract audio and download video from YouTube. You could also download the video file in your preferred format. Watch the tutorial video and employ it yourself.