This video will show you how to identify addons slowing down browser speed. If you have enabled a huge number of addons all of which is not necessary and consumes huge memory will slow down speed. Now you could identify which add-ons consume how much memory and are they necessary. According to this you can disable few of them to speed up your browser.
This video will provide an idea how to display weather information of a particular place in Google calendar. You could see the present date weather and coming 3 days forecasting. Watch the video carefully and employ the technique.
How to control and limit your internet usage in your windows 8 phone? You may want to restrict your internet usage and want to set limit for apps also. If you set your usage limit internet will stop automatically after reaching the limit. Follow the video to employ in your own phone.
This video will show you how to set Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers home page. With this pc tutorial video you could set browser home page in your PC.
This video will guide you how to blur faces in YouTube video. Many times it's needed to blur the faces of people in videos. In many sensitive cases faces are blur due to security or confidentiality reasons.
Have ever seen a good images whle video is stopped well that is know as thumbnails and its always good to create a good images which discriiber your video and then set it as your thumbnails.
Still Don't Know how to use keyword planner and how to add those keywords in your youtube channel..well from now you are going to be master of googe Adword Keyword planner.
Still Don't Know how to use keyword planner and how to add those keywords in your youtube channel..well from now you are going to be master of googe Adword Keyword planner.
Its always a great practice to create multiple youtube channels under one account because in that way you can name it to anything, basically you are creating a google plus page when you are create a new channel under one account, so there is no " Name Privacy policy" and you can name your channel to anything.
YouTube Video editor is easy to use and comes with lots of video editing functionalities like you can trim your video, add music to your video, place two video side by side or you can change colors in your videos.
Setting Branding Watermark And Featured Playlist In YouTube Videos is going to create trust and YouTube is going to index Your videos, So add a watermark to your videos and one playlist so that your viewer can easily watch your other videos too.
This video will show how to target your facebook post for a specific audience. With this tutorial video you could target a set of audience who has interest about the post.
This video will provide an idea how to untag yourself from unrelated or inappropriate images in Facebook. From this video you will learn to untag yourself from multiple images at once.
The Google Has Changed The New Tab Page Of Their Web Browser Google Chrome. But Still There Are A Lot Of People Who Loves The Old New Tab Page Of Google Chrome. If You are one among them and you wants to get the old new tab page again you are come to the right place.
Hello Everyone!! Here's a great new collab challenge video called: "The Memory Challenge" in spanish is: "El Reto De La Memoria" with Aaron Katz from Friday Rants. We had so much fun. I hope you will like it. Enjoy it !
Just some tips and tricks on how to avoid online dating scams, I decided to make this because I recently have had a friend scammed on an online dating site (or at least attempted). I helped him figure out that he was being scammed before getting too involved.
Hey! Please check out my video! Like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE TO ME!!! PLEASE?!?! AND SHARE! That would mean the world to me!! BTW, this song is copyrighted, and any form of usage is triable by prosecution.
It is always essential to perform competition analysis before you start your marketing process. Watch this video to see the proper way to conduct competitor analysis.
Flickr contains tons of photos that you are allowed to use commercially. However, you will need to do the right steps before you can use the images on your website.
You will learn how to leverage on Google Images to find royalty free images to use them on your websites. Learn the essential setting for Google Image before you download the images and use them on your blog.
Do you have a passion that you would like to share with the world, but not sure how to do it. If so, that was my story too. I knew the niche I wanted to share, but I had no computer, video editing, website, or any other digital experience.
Facebook makes it easy to show how much you appreciate a funny status, great picture, or cool news article using their iconic "thumbs up" button, but what about those terrible jokes and annoying baby pictures? Where's the "thumbs down" for that crap?
Captioning your YouTube videos not only makes them more acessable for the hearing impaired, but they also make the contents of your video more accessible to YouTube. Once YouTube knows exactly what is being said it your video you will be more likely to rank when people search for related words or phrases.
This year's NFL playoffs have been nothing short of spectacular. With Super Bowl XLVIII coming up on Sunday, February 2nd, people are already gearing up for another classic showdown between the NFC and AFC, and this time it's the Seattle Seahawks versus the Denver Broncos.
I have been a fan of pirates ever since I downloaded my first movie on LimeWire. Wait, wrong pirates. I guess real pirates are pretty cool too. Johnny Depp brought pirates back into the spotlight with his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. And a Somali pirate from Captain Phillips got nominated for a Golden Globe.
hey guys what's up ? well as you can read the title that today I am going to show you how you can turn off the Facebook's chat "seen" feature. Well you may noticed that when you are typing in chat box , Facebook shows the message that user is Typing.. or sometimes you got " .... " in your chat box or you see "seen 7:28(time)" in chat box.. we will disable it to bypass that seen feature. After doing this you can read your friends messages and they will not know that you have read their messages..
hey guys whats up ? its me again.. well today I'll be showing you that how can you set custom domain on blogger in easy way.. any one can do this just few steps and done ! :)
We've all been there, where we're trying to find that one thing in our cache but it's just eluding us. There's an easy and free solution to this pressing issue. Just use this Firefox add-on CacheViewer to manage and navigate your cache.
This video shows you how to easily delete cookies from your browser. First thing you have to do is open the web browser you usually use (the video shows how to delete cookies from Firefox) and go to the Options tab in the upper menu. Then choose the Clear Private Data or Clear Recent History item. In the pop-up window, check Cookies and Cache and then press the Clear Now button. The Clear Private Data/ Clear Recent History window also can be opened by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+DEL. That's it! Good...
There are many reasons to clear your cache. Privacy, protection, and performance are but a few reasons. This video shows you how to clear all of your cache except for your form data and saved passwords. This will teach you how to remove Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, and History.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to clear their cache in Internet Explorer. Begin by opening the web browser. Then click on Tools from the top menu and select Internet Options. In the General tab under Browsing History, click on Delete. When the Delete Browsing History window opens, click on Delete Cookies and click OK. To automatically clear cookies, click on Settings under Browsing History and check Every time I visit the web page. Then finish by clicking OK. This video will benefit...
In this video, we learn how to clear browser cookies and cache in Internet Explorer 6. First, log onto Internet Explorer, then click on the tools menu. After this, click internet options, then go to the general tab. Next, click the delete button underneath browsing history, then select "delete files". A warning box will now pop up, click "yes" and your browsing history will be deleted. To delete your cookies, click on the button for "delete cookies", then click "yes". After this, your cookies...
This tutorial shows how to set Internet Explorer to always show the latest version of web pages by changing the cache settings. Produced with Camtasia by Bill Myers
With this useful video, you will learn some tips and tricks about how to delete your web browser history, passwords, cookies, also cache form data and temporary internet files.
In this tutorial, we learn how to clear your internet cache using Firefox. This only takes a few minutes and can help your browser run much more quickly. First, you will need to log onto Firefox on your computer. After this, you will need to go to the tools menu and then click on 'clear private data'. A new box will pop up, when it does you will need to check the box next to 'cache'. Once you do this, click on the bottom button and then it will load and clear it out. It's just as simple as that...
This video, filmed by Douglo95Producings, explains how to delete your internet browsing tracks. It is clearly described and easy to follow, for everyone. The video and sound quality, are very good, giving the viewer an easier to follow step by step guide. He gives answers to the people who ask questions and answers all the things you need to know on this action. He explains how long it will take, and what you are doing very well so the viewer gets an idea on what he is watching. The viewer...
This video explains how to delete cookies in Windows XP, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. To delete cookies in Mozilla Firefox, choose the "tools" option from the tool bar, then choose "options", then choose "privacy". Many options will be given under the "privacy" menu, but make sure to choose the following options- "accept cookies from site" and "accept third party cookies", then choose the option "I close Firefox option" under "keep until" then choose "ok" to delete the cookies...