How To: Watch Your Shows Online Free.

Watch Your Shows Online Free.

Did you miss that new episode of your favorite show? You could get a hulu or a netflix account, but then you have to pay per month. Here are some free alternatives. Like always I am not responsible for anything that happens.

Step 1: Site #1 Project Free TV

Project Free Tv is a good way to watch all (or most) of your favorite shows. The only thing wrong with this site is the slightly inappropriate ads but if you use ad block you should be fine.

Step 2: Site #2 LetMeWatchThis

Let me watch this is more for viewing movies but they do have some TV shows.

Step 3: Site #3 JStream

JStream is another way to watch your shows. They have more popular shows like: Breaking bad, Suits, Modern family, Spartacus and Naruto (Yea they have Naruto now!!).

Step 4: Enjoy

These sites should help you watch your shows. If you use adblock you should be safe from dating ads. ;). Cover image from

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