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How To: Revert the New YouTube Layout Back to How It Was

Last week, Google updated the YouTube layout to be more in tune with other Google properties. One thing that's different is the new, more Google+ look of your YouTube homepage. Though some may like the change, some definitely do not. Also new is the "Guide" on the left side when you're watching a YouTube video. for you folks looking to get back to the normal YouTube layout, it's as easy as copying and pasting some code into your browser.

How To: Find an IP address in hotmail

In this tutorial, we learn how to find an IP address in Hotmail. First, open up your Hotmail in box and right click on the email you want the IP address of. Now, select "view source" and find where it says "received: from" or "X-Originating IP". This will give you the exact IP of where this email was sent from. You can use this for any email you receive and the best part is that it only takes a few simple clicks of the mouse and a few seconds out of your day! This can help you bump up securit...

How To: Use the Konami Code Easter egg on Google Docs

Google loves their little Konami Code Easter eggs. The Konami Code is famous among gamers for letting you cheat in video games. The latest one they come up with lets you try it out on Google Docs. All you have to do is open up Google Docs, and type in with the following keys: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, and then enter!

How To: Block certain users from seeing your Facebook account

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to block certain users from seeing their Facebook account. Begin by logging into your account and go to your home page. Click on the Setting tab and select Privacy Settings. At the bottom of the page, under Block List, there will be a space for users to type in a persons name to block and click Block. Select the person from the list of people and click Block. This video will benefit those viewers who use Facebook, and would like to learn how to block ...

How To: Bypass Facebook's privacy and Like to See settings

Tired of clicking on interesting looking links in Facebook, only to discover that they are hidden behind a page you have to 'Like' before you can see? If you're surfing using Google Chrome, you can completely bypass this privacy setting. When you get to the page, go to the menu bar and click on 'Inspect Element.' Then you'll see the code for the page, and you'll be able to get around the block to see the page you want.

How To: Install a Windows 7-style Aero theme in Firefox

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to install a Windows 7-style Aero theme in Mozilla Firefox web browser. This process is very easy, fast and simple to do. Firefox Mozilla is available on the Mac and Windows computer. Simply go to the link provided in the video description. Now on the add-on page, click on Add to Firefox and click Accept and Install on the next page. When the window pops up, lick on Install Now and wait for it to finish installing. Then click Restart Now once it's fin...

How To: Find music and movies easier using "insite" in Google

In this video, we learn how to find music and movies easier using "insite" in Google. If you are looking for media and can't find it through iTunes or an official site, you can find it on Google. First, go to Google, then type in "intitle:"index.of"(mpg(avi)wmv) (word you're searching for) -html -htm -php -jsp -asp". After you search this, you will see "index of" pages where you can do searched of what you are looking for. Once you click on the links that are available, you will be able to do...

How To: Download and install the Firesheep Mozilla Firefox browser add-on

Eager to try the Firesheep Firefox extension yourself? It stands to reason that you'll need to download and install it from its official GitHub page first. You'll find all the details, including easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to find and run the Firesheep XPI installer, in the clip. Get started capturing your friends' Facebook passwords with this video guide.

How To: Hack Photobucket to view private photos

Nothing on the internet is ever truly private and this hack proves it! Learn how to use PhotoFucket to hack into Photobucket with this video. You'll be able to access Photobucket without a password and view private photos from users. Be careful what you leak might unwittingly create the next big reality TV star!

How To: Hack your Facebook status updates and profile page

Want to add a dislike button to your page? Or want to make an update about what you did last night, but don't want your grandmother to read it? This video shows you ten ways you can hack your Facebook page. You can also pre-schedule certain status updates, set your Facebook language to 'Pirate English', create a status update word cloud, tag your friends in updates, add symbols to updates, and even redirect your friends back to their own profile page!

How To: Respond to a CAPTCHA challenge on a website

Even if you don't know what CAPTCHA stands for, you've more than likely run into them while browsing the Internet. It is actually a test to differentiate between humans and computers. In this clip from the folks at Butterscotch, you'll learn how to respond to CAPTCHA challenges when, for example, signing up for a website. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, and to get started asserting your own humanity, watch this home-computing how-to.

How To: Find the Hidden Browser Cache on Firefox with Tekzilla

In this tutorial, we learn how to find the hidden browser cache on Firefox. First, log onto a website that you use often and if you want to see how many times you have visited it, right click on an empty space on the page. Next, click on "view page info", then click on the "security" tab. When you click on this, you will be able to see how many times you have visited that website, and if they are storing cookies on your computer. You will also be able to see if you have stored passwords throu...

How To: View all your Firefox tabs at once with Split Tabs

Wish there were a way to open and display multiple tabs at once in Mozilla Firefox? With the Split Tabs browser extension, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home computing how-to from the folks at Easily can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over two minutes' time. For the specifics, just watch this handy how-to.

How To: Speed up Firefox downloads

Are you happy with using Firefox as your Internet Browser but unhappy with its download speed? There's a way to speed up that download time, and the answer is in this video! In this video, learn how to dramatically speed up your download time when using Firefox's Internet browser.

How To: Disable pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer & Firefox

This video shows the method to turn off pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer and Firefox. Firstly, open Internet Explorer and go to 'Tools' option. Go to 'Internet Options' and click on the 'Privacy' tab. You will see an option of 'Block pop-ups' at the bottom of the window. You must uncheck it and hit 'Apply' to turn it off. For Firefox, go to 'Tools' and 'Options'. You will see 'Block pop-up windows' as the first option. Uncheck it and the pop-ups will not be blocked. You can also set except...

How To: Sign up for YouTube

In this video you will learn how to sign up for YouTube. The first thing you need to do is to open the YouTube page with your browser. Then click on the Sign Up link which is located on the top of the page. Now you can create a YouTube account. To do that, enter your E-mail address, your user name and your password and all the other details from the page. Check the "I Agree" button and click "Create My Account". A verification mail will be sent on your E-mail address. With a YouTube account y...

How To: Change a Facebook username

This video will show you how to change your Facebook username. Follow these quick and easy steps to change your Facebook username: Log on to your Facebook account. Go to your account settings on the left of the screen. Find where it says "Name" and then click on "change" to the right. Type in your new name in the box provided. Don't forget to save your changes.

How To: Find your local IP and MAC address

In this video Guides4tech teaches the secrets of finding your local IP and MAC address in simple steps. First click 'Start' and select 'Run' on your computer. Now type 'cmd' to open the command prompt. In the command prompt type 'ipconfig/all' and press 'Enter'. Your IP address will displayed under the 'Ethernet adapter local area connection' menu. Your MAC address will be displayed as 'Physical address' under the same menu.

How To: Clear Cache and Cookies Using Firefox

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to clear cache and cookies in Mozilla Firefox. This task is very simple, easy and fast to do. Begin by opening the Mozilla Firefox web browser. Then click on Tools menu on the top of the window and select Options. Now click on the Advanced tab. Under the Network tab in Cache, click on Clear Now. To clear cookies, click on Tools and select Options. Then click on the Privacy tab and click on Clear Now under the Private Data heading. This video will bene...

How To: Get around your school's Websense filter with Hopster

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to bypass web-sense filter using the software, Hopster. This program allows users to bypass firewall, bypass proxy and HTTP tunnel. To download this program, go to Google and search for the program. Click on the first result and select download. Once the file is downloaded, double-click on it and follow the instructions to install the program. This program runs silently and invisibly so that the administrator won't be able to detect it. This video wil...

How To: Get your suspended YouTube account back

Falsely suspended on YouTube? Get you account back within a month. When your account is suspended on YouTube, all your videos will still be intact. Search "reopen account" without quotes in YouTube. Open the first video that is displayed. The video will show you link to contact YouTube. To get things straight, visit the link as stated in the video. You will get an email from YouTube explaining your penalties which are usually copyright claims. Click on each penalty and you'll be given a set o...

How To: Change the Number of Search Results Displayed Per Page in Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

People use search engines for a wide variety of subjects (just look at some of the results that pop up in autofill). The results you get with each different search engine are usually different, but almost all of them display the same number of results per page by default—ten. If you find what you're looking for at the top of the first page, great. But if you have to do a lot of digging, it can be a pain to load so many different pages to find it, especially if your connection is slow.

How To: Bypass Videobb & VideoZer Time Limits

So many people have searched for bypassing the time limit on Google for sites like videobb and VideoZer, I figured it was time to tell people the easiest way to bypass those 72-minute time limits without downloading any software from third-party sites. This is a very easy guide on how to use a website to bypass time limits.

How To: Hack and control anyone's webcam using Google

Consider this reason 1,001 why we love the internet: Using Google, you can hack into almost any webcam or security cam, in any part of the world and even control the webcam to move around so you can get your full panoramic shot. Don't believe us? Then check out this video tutorial to learn the steps you need to take.

How To: Add a link from Google Maps to an email

In this video you will learn how to add various links from Google Maps to an email. The first step you will need to accomplish is to find a section of map you wish to attach to an email. After you have the section of map in view you will see a copy link option at the top right of the image. After you select the copy link you can now open your email program. Once you've accessed your email select attach link and copy/paste the address into the link field. The map image will now be properly att...

How To: Increase Download Speed with Internet Download Manager

What is Internet Download Manager? Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 10 times, resume and schedule downloads. Have you ever wanted to increase you download speed form 4kps to 80kps? If you answered yes then you need Internet Download Manager. It can and will increase your download speed so you can get the files you want quicker and easier than ever before.

How To: Add the Gmail button to Toolbar

In this video, we learn how to add the Gmail button to the toolbar. First, log onto Google and go to your Gmail account. After this, drag the icon for the Gmail to the toolbar on the screen. After you do this, test out if it is working correctly. Exit out of your browser, then go back into it. Now, click on the icon that has the envelope with red outlining. Once you click this, a new tab should open up with your Gmail opened up! This is great if you want to check your e-mail quickly, without ...

How To: Speed up Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is the most powerful Internet browser and a good alternative to the plain old Microsoft Internet Explorer. Firefox has many advanced features and is much more customizable in numerous ways. Firefox when installed will have default settings, but you can tweak a few of these internal settings to make it run faster. Now to do this click Control + J shortcut and this brings up the downloads window in Firefox. Now having many files in that list can slow down you browser a little as...

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