Hot Internet How-Tos

How To: Filter your Gmail with the 'plus' sign

Looking for an easy way to cut down on the spam you receive at your main Gmail account? With plus (+) sign filtering, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this free home computing how-to can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over a minute's time. For specifics, and to regain control over your email account, watch this PC user's guide.

How To: Sync Microsoft Office Outlook with Google Calendar

Looking for a guide on how to synchronize Microsoft Office Outlook with your Google Calendar account? It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this free home computing how-to can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over a minute's time. For specifics, and to start combining your Outlook and Google calendars, watch this PC user's guide.

How To: Surf the web anonymously using TOR and Privoxy

Want to protect your privacy when surfing the Internet? Thwart would-be snoopers with this free video guide from CNET TV, which presents an overview of a number of services and good practices one can observe to project one's privacy when using the web. For specifics, and to get started surfing the Internet anonymously yourself, watch this free video guide.

How To: Hide your online status on Facebook chat & block users

If you would like to use your Facebook chat but are hiding from a particular friend, check out this tutorial. Sometimes you just aren't in the mood to talk to certain people and you don't want them to see that you are online. In this video, you will learn how to create block lists so that only certain groups will be able to contact you and see your online status. Follow along with this step by step and decide who you talk to and when.

How To: Selectively block friends in Facebook Chat

Is there a certain someone whom you'd rather not have to talk to on Facebook? Learn how to block him or her (and only him or her) with this helpful guide. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions on the blocking process, and to get started blocking your own friends and frenemies, watch this helpful how-to.

How To: Search YouTube more efficiently with search operators

Searching YouTube is tough, because there's a plethora of content, so sometimes i's best to do an advanced search. This is not to be confused with the "search options" available during a YouTube search query, because those are limited to key features of YouTube, but not specific search terms. Much like Google, you can search YouTube via search operators. Many of the same search operators that work on Google work on YouTube also. Filter your results the way you want, not the way they want. You...

How To: Embed YouTube playlists into a WordPress blog

YouTube is a great video service because it's free and has invaded the world… meaning, practically everybody has been on YouTube at one point or another. Another great aspect of YouTube is the ability to embed content on your website or blog… like your WordPress blog. You can also embed full YouTube playlists. This video will show you the steps to embedding YouTube playlists on your WordPress blog, and the principles can be applied for other sites as well.

How To: Find the thumbnails images for any YouTube video

Thumbnails are an important part of your YouTube videos because it's the first thing users see besides the title. YouTube automatically generates three thumbnails for your uploaded video, and you can't submit your own thumbnail, but you can view large versions of the thumbnails they choose, in JPG format. The key is add "img" before the video's URL, and to add the thumbnail number and "jpg" at the end. You can also see the current thumbnail being used. This is great if you want to use someone...

How To: Enable or disable your playlists in YouTube

You may have a lot of videos uploaded to your YouTube channel, and a lot of those videos might be similar or related somehow. In that case, it's a good idea to create a YouTube playlist for easy viewing and sorting. Anything that makes the user experience easier is better overall. But sometimes, you may not actually want to show those created playlists… this video will show you the steps required to either enable or disable those YouTube playlists.

How To: Use Facebook's Privacy Scanner for Firefox on a Mac

Facebook privacy has been a big issue in the news lately. You can never be too careful when you put your information on the Internet. In this tutorial, learn how to download a very cool new application for Firefox called "Facebook Privacy Scanner". This tool is installed in your Firefox browser and helps you stay on top of your Facebook and information.

How To: Find the embedded player tool in Youtube

Are you a frequent Youtube poster? Then tracking which blogs and other sites have embedded you videos can be helpful in determining who is interested in your videos and increasing your number of views. When Youtube changed their site recently, they moved the Embedded Player tool that allows you to track that information and used to be under the Insight tab to a new place, causing mass confusion. This video shows you where to locate that tool in the new site layout, allowing you to track where...

How To: Make your YouTube videos 3D

Have you caught the 3D bug? It seems ever since Avatar was released in theatres, everyone has gone YouTube crazy... Including YouTube! In this video presented by How to and More, learn how to make your YouTube videos in 3D!

How To: Reduce back pain, tension, and stress

Are you suffering from severe back pain or tension? Releave that pain naturally with help from this video. Author and Creator, David P. Morrow of the Fat Into The Fire books and program provides a free demonstration of how to reduce back pain, reduce muscle tenstion and reduce stress. It is a simple yet effective breathing and stretching technique.

How To: Download Google Pacman and save it on your PC

To celebrate 30 years of Pacman, Google released a playable version of the classic game. This game was only available on Google for a couple of days, however. If you would like to play Google Pacman as often as you like, for as long as you like, check out this tutorial. In it, you will learn exactly where to go on the web to download this fun game.

How To: Upload & download files with the FileZilla FTP client

Need to send large files across the Internet? An FTP site is a great resolution to emails that bounce back due to attachment overload. By uploading your file to an FTP site, it will allow your recepient to download the file from the site with ease. In this tutorial, learn how to upload and download files using the FileZilla FTP client.

How To: Show welcome messages in WordPress with subscribe link

Do you know where your blog's traffic is coming from? Everywhere. That's where. And they all want a warm welcome to your website. Every blog has multiple traffic sources. In order to welcome visitors from different traffic sources like Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Digg, etc., with the welcome message, we can add our subscription link according to the traffic source. Also, we can use default welcome message for direct visitors with help of this plugin. See how.

How To: Manage WordPress admin access for different user roles

There's a cool plugin for your WordPress blog called Capability Manager. The Capability Manager plugin is mainly used for the blog which has number of users, each having a different role. In order to manage the WordPress Admin access for each user role, this will help you. With the help of this plugin, you can enable the particular part of the Admin access to fit a particular user role.

How To: Update your profile picture on Facebook

Facebook is always changing, and sometimes when that happens we lose track of the basics. Check out this tutorial, from the makers of Facebook, and learn how to change or update your Facebook profile photo. You will also learn how to tag this photo and send it out into the newfeed via your wall. Update your profile picture on Facebook.

How To: See login & failed login details of a WordPress Admin

Everybody's hacking these days. Everybody wants to be a hacker, but that's what happens as technology becomes more and more accessible. Hacks are due to a lot of things. The main point is that you allow your user to access your WordPress Admin section or any section. So, may a problem could come with your user or writer. So, you must know about your login details and failed login details. Then only do you know about your user and what they are doing in your WordPress Admin section.

How To: Edit and upload a PowerPoint document to a wiki page

A wiki is a very powerful tool, and allows multiple people to contribute their knowledge to the same area of information. The more a wiki is updated, the stronger the information is. In this tutorial, Cindy walks you through uploading a PowerPoint document to a wiki page. She also shows you how to edit a wiki page to make your changes properly.

How To: Translate any text in Firefox with gTranslate

Want to know what that foreign YouTube comment says without loading a separate webpage to translate it? Downloading gTranslate, a Firefox addon that translates any text, will help you see what that comment is or any small sentence. Just highlight the text, right-click on the text and go to the translator, the foreign language will be automatically detected and translated.

How To: Add, change links and add link categories in WordPress

Adding links to your blog will provide people with more information. In this video, Cindy will walk you through adding and changing links in your WordPress blog. You'll also learn how to add link categories, which will provide the reader with more information about your links. After watching this tutorial, adding and changing links will be a snap!

How To: Share an embedded YouTube video directly on Facebook

So, you want to post a YouTube video to Facebook? Well, believe it or not, it's a really simple task to complete. Instead of just copying and pasting the URL into your comment box, Facebook has the option to choose a "link", which you would then copy and paste the YouTube URL into that box. Then you just click "share" and your whole Facebook community can now watch the YouTube video directly on Facebook. It's the easiest way to share videos with your Facebook friends.

How To: Navigate Gmail like a pro

There are many tips and tricks on the best way to use your Gmail. In order to use the tips provided you will need to have the newest version of Firefox or Google Chrome for them to work. There are three tips that can help you maximize your Gmail funtionalities and help you save time.

How To: Obtain custom Google Chrome themes

If you are tired or bored of having the same theme/layout for Google Chrome as many others, you can obtain custom themes by going to deviantART. There you will be able to customize your theme and download the theme that suits your personality best and step out of the norm.

How To: Configure & control Facebook privacy settings

Do the new Facebook changes scare you? Are you not sure what information on your Facebook profile is and isn't accessible to people outside your network? Larry Magid will walk you through each privacy setting in this video, beginning with Facebook's newest feature, Instant Personalization. The next part covers controlling individual content like events, photos, and status updates. The more you know, the more control you'll be able to maintain over your information.

How To: Delete cookies in Internet Explorer 7

Cookies serve their purpose in Internet Explorer 7. They let the browser know which sites you have visited so you don't have to get security prompts every time you back to them. However, they can also slow down your browser, which can be frustrating. This video will show you how to delete cookies in Internet Explorer and browse faster.