Hot Internet How-Tos

How To: Use the Internet Explorer 7 phishing filter

Check out this video tutorial to learn more about the Phishing Filter on Internet Explorer 7. Web browsers such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 have become an important part of the computing experience for business and home users around the world. With the popularity of web browsers for accessing information, running programs, and even accessing corporate resources, the browser has become a target for viruses, malware, and phishing schemes that present real dangers to Internet users. Inter...

How To: Hack a remote Internet browser with XSS Shell

XSS Shell is a cross-site scripting backdoor into the victim's browser which enables an attacker to issue commands and receive responses. During a normal XSS attack an attacker only has one chance to control a victim's browser; however, the XSS Shell keeps the connection between the attacker and the victim open to allow the attacker to continuously manipulate the victim's browser. XSS Shell works by setting up an XSS Channel, an AJAX application embedded into the victim's browser, that can ob...

How To: Utilize Scrum in Axosoft OnTime 2008

OnTime is such a flexible tool and it can be used in a variety of ways, with completely different methodologies. One of the methodologies that works well with OnTime is Scrum. This week we walk through a quick demonstration of setting up a new OnTime database for use with a Scrum methodology.

How To: Use the history and audit trails in Axosoft OnTime

This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite focuses on how you can see the history of your defects, features, tasks, and incidents, as well as project wiki pages. For more information, as well as to get started using the history and audit trails features in Axosoft OnTime 2008, take a look.

How To: Use the import and export features in OnTime 2008

Importing and exporting are pretty easy in OnTime, but there are always questions that come up regarding the process. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite will help new users understand the basics of importing and exporting items across the OnTime 2008 system. Take a look (and be sure to stay tuned for parts two and three).

How To: Use Remote Server in Axosoft OnTime

Remote Server is a very handy tool for users wishing to utilize OnTime Windows and OnTime VS.Net without having direct access to SQL Server. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers Remote Server in detail and how to set it up. Take a look.

How To: Use the User Dashboard in Axosoft OnTime 2008

The User Dashboard in OnTime is a great way to look at items across types and edit them. See how to view and search through data regardless of its type (Defect, Feature, Task, Incident) by taking advantage of the User Dashboard. For detailed instructions on using the dashboard, watch this installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite.

How To: Use color coding in Axosoft OnTime 2008

One great feature of OnTime 8.1 is the ability to add color schemes to the main grids of OnTime Windows and OnTime Web. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers how to activate this functionality to allow color changes for items based on their Priority, Status, Severity, and Workflow.

How To: Use the Customer Portal feature in Axosoft OnTime 2008

OnTime 2008 Customer Portal enables you to invite customers and 3rd parties into the development conversation. Through controlled access they can submit bugs, feature requests and request help by intitiating their own support tickets. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite will show you the power of Customer Portal.

How To: Use authentication in Axosoft OnTime

There are two different methods of Authentication in OnTime, and each method has two different ways that the authentication can take place. In this installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite you'll learn about these forms of authentication.

How To: Backup and restore OnTime databases

Did you know that OnTime includes tools to help you backup and restore your OnTime database? This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers the basics of restoring and backing up a database through the OnTime system. Take a look.

How To: Use worklogs in Axosoft OnTime

Worklogs are the time sheets of OnTime. They help track the time your developers spend working on bugs and features, or the time that tech support staff work on incidents. There are several ways to interact with worklogs and this installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers them in detail.

How To: Use field templates in Axosoft OnTime

Did you know that field templates can be applied two different ways? And that the two "edit" buttons on the main interface tie directly into how these field templates are used? This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite discusses these topics and how to control such permissions through security roles.

How To: Use the reporting features in AxoSoft OnTime

Need some help getting started running reports? This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite covers the basics of running reports and sending data to those reports. Did you know there are four ways you can manipulate what data is sent to a report without any direct report customization? Take a look!

How To: Use filters in Axosoft OnTime

Filters are a powerful mechanism in OnTime used for searches and other forms of data manipulations. In this installment from Axosoft's own series of OnTime Project Management Suite video tutorials, you'll focus on the simplest application of filters: searching data in your main grid in OnTime 2008.

How To: Archive in Axosoft OnTime 2008

This installment from Axosoft's own series of OnTime Project Management Suite video tutorials is about the basics of archiving in OnTime 2008. How do you "remove" items from the system so they are out of your way, yet keep from deleting them completely? How do you find items that have been archived? What options do you have when it comes to archiving? How do you perform mass archiving using logical parameters? All these questions are answered in this how-to. Take a look.

How To: Use notifications and alerts in Axosoft OnSite

This first installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite is about Notifications and Alerts—the way OnTime communicates with your employees, your customers, and you about events that occur in your database. Get started using notifications and alerts in your own OnSite projects with this how-to.

How To: Beat Crimson Room

Does playing Crimson Room leave you feeling vexed and flummoxed? Whether you're stuck or after the easy satisfaction of having someone else play the game for you, you'll like this video, which presents a complete walkthrough. For step-by-step instructions on escaping from the Crimson Room, take a look. Beat Crimson Room.

How To: Use the Microsoft Popfly Web application creator

Microsoft Popfly is a fun, easy way to build and share mashups, gadgets, games, Web pages, and applications. Popfly consists of two parts: Popfly Creator is a set of online visual tools for building Web pages and mashups; Popfly Space is an online community of creators where you can post, share, rate, comment and even remix creations from other Popfly users. This how-to demonstrates how to use both. Take a look. Use the Microsoft Popfly Web application creator.

How To: Sign up for, and use, YouMail visual voicemail

Ever wished you could check your cell's voicemail online? You can, for free, with the YouMail web application. In this tutorial, you'll find step-by-step instructions for signing up the the YouMail service. For more, or to get started signing up for you own YouMail account, take a look! Sign up for, and use, YouMail visual voicemail.

How To: "Hack" Sarah Palin's Yahoo! Mail account

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to exploit weak security questions to take control of a given Yahoo! Mail account in much the same way Sarah Palin's Yahoo! account was recently "hacked." (To access Sarah Palin's account you will need, in addition to the tutorial, some manner of time travel device.) For a detailed, step-by-step reenactment of the "hack" (scare quotes very much intended), take a look. "Hack" Sarah Palin's Yahoo! Mail account.

How To: Display RSS feeds on your website with Feed2JS

An RSS feed is a dynamically generated XML summary of information or news published on a website. The Feed2JS tool provides an easy way to display RSS feeds on your website, all without knowing the least bit about XML. All you need to enter is the URL for the RSS source and decide how you'd like it to be formatted. For more on using the Feed2JS tool, watch this video tutorial. Display RSS feeds on your website with Feed2JS.

How To: Understand how the Google robot spiders your website

If you're looking to increase the ranking of your website in Google, and so increase your traffic, you'd do well to at least a rudimentary understanding of what Google looks at when considering the relevance of a web page to a given query. This SEO tutorial offers a cursory explanation of how the Google search robot sees, or spiders, your website. Drive more traffic your website with this SEO how-to.

How To: Use Gmail to retrieve email from other addresses

In this video tutorial dedicated to the Google's Gmail, you'll learn how to set up Gmail to retrieve mail from a second email account. This tutorial also looks at how to set up labels and filters, and explains the Gmail Archive function and Gmail Conversations. Become an advanced Gmail user with this video tutorial!

How To: Create an impressive photo slideshow online with Roxio

Why let all the photos you've taken over the years with your digital camera sit on your computer in loose piles, forsaken? In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to use Roxio's free photoshow application to create impressive photographic slideshows. For more information on photoshow, or to get started creating your own slideshows, watch this Internet how-to!

How To: Add a print button to Mozilla Firefox

Those of you who switched to Mozilla Firefox from Internet Explorer, may find that you miss the IE print icon as well as the history and bookmarks buttons. In this video, you'll learn how to enable similar buttons in the Mozilla Firefox in a matter of a few seconds. Restore your favorite buttons with this Firefox how-to!

How To: Delete entries from the Internet Explorer address bar

Ever wondered how to go about deleting individual entries from the Internet Explorer address bar? While it's possible, it's not particularly easy. You can do it all at once by purging your entire history through Internet Options or you can hack your Windows registry. For more information, or to try this hack for yourself, take a look!

How To: Safely buy items on eBay without getting scammed

eBay has been around for over ten years yet there are many people out there who are afraid to use it, or haven't had a chance to use it, due to negative hearsay. This video tutorial presents a guide to buying items successfully—and safely! There's a lot of things to consider when buying an item in an eBay auction, so make sure to pay attention to all of these four tips.

How To: Use multiple start-up pages in your web browser

If you visit the same pages over and over, you may want to consider setting multiple start pages. While you may not have even known such a thing was possible, the set-up procedure is simple in both Mozilla Firefox and Windows Internet Explorer 7. Learn how to use browser tabs to open up multiple websites when you launch your browser with this how-to.

How To: Create shorthand link aliases

If you like to share websites via email, are a writer who needs to share email in her stories, or just need to make a quick written note of a website address, you need to know how to use web address shorthand. Some URLs can be hundreds of characters long and therefore too tedious to reproduce in writing. To make an easier-to-communicate link, you'll need to use a URL minimizer, like TinyURL. Learn how with this address-minimizing how-to!

How To: Use the Zoho Creator database application

While all Web 2.0 applications are by no means equal, certain among them can save you time, money, and frustration–one such web app is the Zoho Creator database utility, which is comparable to Access from the Microsoft Office suite. For more information, or to get started using the Zoho Creator online database application for yourself, take a look!

How To: Use the Zoho Sheet online spreadsheet application

While all Web 2.0 applications are by no means equal, certain among them can save you time, money, and frustration–one such web app is the Zoho Sheet spreadsheet utility, which is comparable to Excel from the Microsoft Office suite. For more information, or to get started using the Zoho Sheet online spreadsheet application for yourself, take a look!

How To: Download streaming video

Want to watch your favorite Internet clips in the woods? Or on a boat? This video tutorial offers step-by-step instructions on downloading streaming video from video sharing websites like YouTube and Dailymotion using the media-convert web application. For more, or to get started using Media Convert for yourself, watch this video how-to!