Just something that a friend told me and I asked him if I could use it in a video and he told me he didn't care.page buffer=1000000Tbpsload=1000000Tbpsdownload=1000000Tbpssave=1000000Tbpsback=1000000T ...
Just a few tricks that I have learned in order to avoid being scammed on paypal either by sellers or buyers using takebacks. ...
Just some tips and tricks on how to avoid online dating scams, I decided to make this because I recently have had a friend scammed on an online dating site (or at least attempted). I helped him figure ...
I found this out a while back and it dawned on me that you guys may not know this trick. ...
Hey! Please check out my video! Like, comment, and SUBSCRIBE TO ME!!! PLEASE?!?! AND SHARE! That would mean the world to me!! BTW, this song is copyrighted, and any form of usage is triable by prosecu ...
If you want to embed a video on your website and customize the player so it doesn't look like crap, you've come to the right place: Grab the Embed CodeOn the watch page of the video you'd like to embe ...
Turn your youtube page to a game while you watch the videoand 3 other tricks about youtube you need to know Go to Any Youtube Video While Watching a Video Type 1980(not in the search box) ...