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How To: Make innocent URLs appear suspicious with ShadyURL

Want to disguise your URLs so that they appear suspicious? In the style of websites such as Tiny URL that take your original URL and give you a shortened one to post on your blog or twitter feed, Shady URL takes your original URL and gives you one that might convince people not to click it. Go to Shady URL and paste the URL you wish to disguise. Click submit, and on the next page it will give you a URL that looks, well, shady. It might include something about a mail order bride or an investme...

How To: Import Excel to a MySQL database with cPanel

This data management tutorial shows you how to take a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet and import it into a MySQL Database using CSV files and PHPMyAdmin in cPanel. Being able to move data from Excel to MySQL is an important part of database content management, so if you use cPanel to manage your databases, you'll want to watch and learn how to import Excel spreadsheets into your MysQL databases.

How To: Automatically Delete Spam Messages in Gmail

Most of the spam messages are commercial advertisements, phishing websites and get rich quickly messages that asks users to provide personal details and other confidential information.Spam filters in Gmail prevent its users from these spam messages and restrict them to enter in user’s Gmail inbox.Generally, it acts like a firewall between spam messages and Gmail Inbox.Gmail filters detect the sender’s email address and accordingly send the received messages in Inbox or Spam folder.

How To: Embed code into Blackboard 9.1 to display iFrames

If you want to embed an iFrame into a Blackboard 9.1 page, you'll need to grab the code from whatever source you want (YouTube, Vimeo, Google Docs, etc.) and use the Build Content option in Blackboard. Select "Item" under the "Create" menu and turn off the Text Editor so that you can properly paste the code in. Take a look at this tutorial to see all the steps in action.

How To: Use QR codes to store or retrieve data within an image

QR codes allow you to quickly and easily store and retrieve data within a single image. Much like barcodes at grocery stores, QR codes are images that can be scanned to discover data, such as an online website URL. Additionally, they can also be created by inputting text data into a QR code generator. Try scanning some of the QR codes in this video with an app on your phone or tablet to see how they work!

News: Keysmash Your Way to Convincing Hacker Code, Just Like in the Movies

Hacking can't be that hard, can it? At least, that's what it seems like thanks to movies like Hackers, The Net and that last Die Hard flick. Even the Jurassic Park girl's got some game. They all look like they're typing 20wpm, yet can generate a screen full of code in the blink of an eye. Amazing. As long as they're some isolated computer nerd who's glued to their PC all day long (which is pretty much all of us these days, thanks Internet), they're a bona fide hacker.

How To: Hack a 64 bit WiFi wireless network using Ubuntu v. 9.04

Oh how we love open source software. If it wasn't for Open Office, we never would have been able to write that seven-page English paper while on our friend's Microsoft Office-lacking laptop during an impromptu road trip to Mexico. And Ubuntu, an open source secure operating system, offers you similar convenience. A much more intuitive computer operating software than your standard Windows or Mac OS, Ubuntu is great if you know what you're doing.

How To: Hack a DNS (Domain Name System) from start to finish

If you're looking to get into the nitty gritty of DNS (Domain Name System) hacking, you MUST check this video out. In this in-depth tutorial, you'll get to adventure into the wonderful world of DNS. Explore the vast and intricate details of our beloved Domain Name System while exploiting mis-configured routers, brute forcing, and even look up Wikipedia entries from TXT records.

How To: Create and share custom playlists on

Want to know how to create a personalized playlist of your favorite songs on It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this video guide can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in just over two minutes. For all of the details, and to get started listening to Internet radio yourself, take a look!

How To: Access and view user profiles on Twitter

In this clip, you'll learn how to view someone else's user profile on Twitter. What do President Obama, the Dalai Lama and Justin Bieber have in common? Why, they're all on Twitter, of course. Join the party. Whether you're new to Twitter's popular microblogging application or just missed a few of the essentials along the way, you're sure to benefit from this free video tutorial.

How To: Clear your browsing history in Internet Explorer

In this tutorial, we learn how to clear your browsing history in Internet Explorer. First, go to the tools button and then click on 'delete browsing history'. Click that and then a new window will pop up. If you want to clear everything, click 'delete all' and then 'yes'. The temporary internet files are fine to delete, this is just info that is saved after you visit a website. Cookies are bits of information that a site stores on your computer to remember who you are. The history is simply w...

How To: Change your name on Facebook

In this video, we learn how to change your name on Facebook. First, go to Facebook and log into your account. Once you are on here, click on the settings button. Now, find where it says "name" and click "change". Once you change this, enter in the name that you want to show and then choose the name that you want to display. Once you are finished, click "change name" and then you will have to certify that this is your real legitimate name. Once you do this, your page will refresh and your new ...

How To: See how a website used to look with the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

Wish you could see how your favorite website looked like a year or two ago? With the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, it's easy! So easy, in fact, that this home computing how-to from the folks at Easily can present a complete (and somewhat talky) overview of the process in just over three minutes' time. For the specifics, and to get started setting up and using the Wayback Machine yourself, just watch this handy how-to.

How To: View thumbnails of all of your open tabs in Google Chrome

Ever wish there were a way to see thumbnails of each of your open tabs in Chrome? There is. And this clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Set up a custom RSS feed for any YouTube channel

Looking for a way to keep up with your favorite YouTube channels via RSS? This clip will show you how it's done. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this handy home-computing how-to from the folks at Tekzilla can present a complete overview of the process in about two minutes' time. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create interactive shortcuts in Gmail: Greasemonkey

In this tutorial, we learn how to create interactive shortcuts in Gmail:Greasemonkey. Start off by searching for "Greasemonkey", then click on the very first result. Click to install this, then once you have it you need to restart Firefox. Now, on the bottom of the screen you will see a little monkey icon. After this, type in "Greasemonkey scripts" into Google, then search for "modified Gmail macros" and install this. After this is installed correctly, go to your Gmail account. First, type in...

How To: Receive Facebook notifications on your Windows desktop

This Facebook user's guide will see to it that you never miss another poke, comment, friend request, tag or wall post. Receive Facebook notifications on your Windows PC desktop. This clip will show you how it's done. It's simple! So simple, in fact, that this home-computing how-to can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in just over a minute. For more information, including complete, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Unlink your Google and YouTube user accounts

In order to unlink your Google account and your YouTube account, you will need to go to Google. Click on My Product. Then, click on Edit. Next, click on "Close the account and delete and all services linked to the account". Check the box that says YouTube. Scroll down to the password box. Enter your YouTube password. Next check both boxes. Then, click Delete Google Account.

How To: Delete your YouTube account

In this tutorial, we learn how to delete your YouTube account. First, log into your account on YouTube, then delete all your videos. Next, click on "account" at the top of the screen. Next, click on "manage account", then find where it says "delete account" and click on that. After this, you must type a reason why you are deleting your account and click on "save". Now, you will be shown a message from YouTube on deleting your account and you will be set! This is the only way to delete you acc...