Internet Features

How To: Hack and control anyone's webcam using Google

Consider this reason 1,001 why we love the internet: Using Google, you can hack into almost any webcam or security cam, in any part of the world and even control the webcam to move around so you can get your full panoramic shot. Don't believe us? Then check out this video tutorial to learn the steps you need to take.

How To: Increase Download Speed with Internet Download Manager

What is Internet Download Manager? Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 10 times, resume and schedule downloads. Have you ever wanted to increase you download speed form 4kps to 80kps? If you answered yes then you need Internet Download Manager. It can and will increase your download speed so you can get the files you want quicker and easier than ever before.

How To: Bypass Videobb & VideoZer Time Limits

So many people have searched for bypassing the time limit on Google for sites like videobb and VideoZer, I figured it was time to tell people the easiest way to bypass those 72-minute time limits without downloading any software from third-party sites. This is a very easy guide on how to use a website to bypass time limits.

How To: Delete your YouTube account

In this tutorial, we learn how to delete your YouTube account. First, log into your account on YouTube, then delete all your videos. Next, click on "account" at the top of the screen. Next, click on "manage account", then find where it says "delete account" and click on that. After this, you must type a reason why you are deleting your account and click on "save". Now, you will be shown a message from YouTube on deleting your account and you will be set! This is the only way to delete you acc...

How To: Receive Facebook notifications on your Windows desktop

This Facebook user's guide will see to it that you never miss another poke, comment, friend request, tag or wall post. Receive Facebook notifications on your Windows PC desktop. This clip will show you how it's done. It's simple! So simple, in fact, that this home-computing how-to can present a complete, step-by-step overview of the process in just over a minute. For more information, including complete, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Change audio on an already uploaded YouTube video

This video describes the process of changing the audio on a YouTube video that you have already uploaded. The video is presented by and is in their technology series. We start out logged into YouTube and click on Uploaded Videos, then choose the video you would like to change. Click on the Audio Swap button that is just below the video. You can then choose the I'm Feeling Lucky button to have YouTube pick the audio for you. Or browse through the selections to find an appropriate...

How To: Trace Any IP Address

Using a simple trace trick, you can easily look up the IP address and its location for any website. This method uses a command line command to first find the IP address of a given website, and then uses a free online tool to get that IP's location.

News: Keysmash Your Way to Convincing Hacker Code, Just Like in the Movies

Hacking can't be that hard, can it? At least, that's what it seems like thanks to movies like Hackers, The Net and that last Die Hard flick. Even the Jurassic Park girl's got some game. They all look like they're typing 20wpm, yet can generate a screen full of code in the blink of an eye. Amazing. As long as they're some isolated computer nerd who's glued to their PC all day long (which is pretty much all of us these days, thanks Internet), they're a bona fide hacker.

How To: Host multiple sites & domains on one GoDaddy account

This video shows how to get more value on your GoDaddy account. You have to have a deluxe account to share domains. You have to pay an extra $2 a month to get this account. Once you sign in go to "hosting" then my "hosting account". To add another domain you move it over to a new folder then put the site files in there. To do this, click add domain then go to bulk. Then create a folder and name it what you desire. Sometimes the file folder doesn't always appear immediately, but it is there, i...

How To: Block third party apps on Facebook

In this how-to video, you will learn how to block third party applications on Facebook. On your main page, you will see requests on the right. Click on the request to check the invitation. You will be presented with a few choices. If you are never planning on accepting an invitation to the application, you can click on the Block Application at the bottom. You can also ignore all invitations from a person by clicking the link with the same name in the same page. This will make using Facebook m...

How To: Embed code into Blackboard 9.1 to display iFrames

If you want to embed an iFrame into a Blackboard 9.1 page, you'll need to grab the code from whatever source you want (YouTube, Vimeo, Google Docs, etc.) and use the Build Content option in Blackboard. Select "Item" under the "Create" menu and turn off the Text Editor so that you can properly paste the code in. Take a look at this tutorial to see all the steps in action.

How To: Make watching YouTube faster with Firefox

We're sure you can relate to those awful experiences when you seem to be waiting an awfully long time for your YouTube video to load, especially on Firefox. Well, now there's an easy fix for that. Check out this video from Tekzilla to learn about Auto Buffer, a Greasemonkey script that will automatically play your video in HD if available, remove ads, and buffers the video without autoplaying. Watching YouTube does not get any easier than this!

How To: Change your IP address using a Linksys router

Learn how to change your IP address using a Linksys router in simple steps. First search for your IP address in the internet and find it from any of the websites available. Now go to your Linksys setup page by accessing it with your username and password. Go to Mac address code and change the last set of digits by increasing or decreasing a value. Now save the settings and reset your modem and router. Finally check your new address to finish.

How To: Get free WiFi by tunneling through DNS

Hak5 isn't your ordinary tech show. It's hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Damn the warranties, it's time to Trust your Technolust. In this episode, see how to get free WiFi by tunneling through DNS.

How To: Download and install Firefox web browser

In this tutorial, we learn how to download and install Firefox web browser. First, go to Google and search for "Firefox". Once you find this, click on the official Firefox website and click on the free download button. A new window will pop up, click "run", then the program will download. Once it's finished, click on the Firefox download and go through the steps to install the program. Now, an icon for Firefox will appear on your desktop, and you will be able to use this to run Firefox. Once ...

How To: Install Adobe Shockwave Player on Internet Explorer 8

This video shows you how to easily download and install Adobe Shockwave Player on Internet Explorer 8 or 8+. The first thing you have to do is open up Internet Explorer, type in the address bar: and hit Enter. Scroll down the page, uncheck the "Also install Free Google Toolbar" box and click on the "Agree and Install now" button. Wait for the Shockwave Player to install. Click "Allow" in the future windows and wait for the install confirmation screen. Restart y...

How To: Search YouTube more efficiently with search operators

Searching YouTube is tough, because there's a plethora of content, so sometimes i's best to do an advanced search. This is not to be confused with the "search options" available during a YouTube search query, because those are limited to key features of YouTube, but not specific search terms. Much like Google, you can search YouTube via search operators. Many of the same search operators that work on Google work on YouTube also. Filter your results the way you want, not the way they want. You...

How To: Download and install IE 8 on your computer

If you've been using the internet for many years, chances are you've come across Internet Explorer at some point. Nowadays there are a whole wide variety of Web Browsers including Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. So if don't have IE downloaded on your computer this tutorial will help you. Check it out and understand how to download and install Internet Explorer 8 on your computer. Enjoy!

How To: Automatically Delete Spam Messages in Gmail

Most of the spam messages are commercial advertisements, phishing websites and get rich quickly messages that asks users to provide personal details and other confidential information.Spam filters in Gmail prevent its users from these spam messages and restrict them to enter in user’s Gmail inbox.Generally, it acts like a firewall between spam messages and Gmail Inbox.Gmail filters detect the sender’s email address and accordingly send the received messages in Inbox or Spam folder.

How To: Download music from MySpace as an MP3

This video describes how get mp3s from MySpace that typically would not available for download on your computer. Even though the download link is not clickable the songs are still downloadable! Download all of your favorite music so you can listen to it whenever you want without an internet connection. Put the latest tunes, from your favorite musicians, on an MP3 player and show all of your friends cool new artists!