How To: Watch a Replay of the 2011 State of the Union Address Online

Watch a Replay of the 2011 State of the Union Address Online

How to Watch a Replay of the 2011 State of the Union Address OnlineOn Tuesday night, at 9 p.m. EST, President Barack Obama delivered his second State of the Union Address before a Joint Session of Congress in the Chamber of the United States House of Representatives. 

That's 19 majuscules in a single sentence. Clearly, this is a Super Important Event. 

Just how Super Important is the President's State of the Union speech? So very Super Important that, according to a Nielsen report, last year's address attracted in excess of 48 million viewers. For perspective, the 2010 Academy Awards—the highest-rated Oscars ceremony in 5 years—only pulled in some 41.7 million viewers. Furthermore, unlike the Academy Awards, the entire State of the Union ceremony will be streamed online. You know, for young people.

UPDATE: Miss the State of the Union on Tuesday? Tune in to watch the replay below.

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