How To: Send Postlets to Facebook

Send Postlets to Facebook

Jim Reppond of Coldwell Banker Bain demonstrates the way of getting postlets into Facebook. He says that by adding the postlets in your Facebook page, one can click on the link and directly go the postlets page if they are interested. He asks you to then go to the postlets page and log in using your username and password. Once inside, you can click on the 'My Postlets' tab to see your active postlets. Then chose the postlet you want to add to Facebook and click on the respective 'HOST' button. After this, when you scroll down the page, you can see the code for the chosen postlet in a box. A little above this is the link for that postlet and also the option to share this link on Facebook and many more social networking sites . Then he asks you to click on the Facebook link given there. It will automatically take you to the Facebook connect page where you can follow the usual procedure of entering your e-mail id and password to log into Facebook. Then you can see the page where you find a thumbnail of your posting and a brief summary. There you can choose to send this message to an individual person or to post it in your profile. Jim suggests you to post it in your profile giving everyone an idea of what you have got there. Also he says that its a good idea to put some comments in the space provided there. When you next visit your Facebook profile page, you can this link to your postlet with the comments and other details formatted properly and displayed there. When someone clicks on the link given there, it will take them directly to your postlet page. So he says that this is a great way to let everyone you know on Facebook to know what you are doing now and build business an Facebook.

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